

I'd like to extend my visa for another two years.

Are you on a tourist visa or a student visa?

Student visa.

What's the reason for the extension?

I'm going to practical training as soon as I receive my master's degree from the University of Pansevinia early next month.

We'll need a letter from your University and a financial statement from you.



Passport and embarkation card, please.

Here you are, Sir.

Where are you from?

I'm from China.

Do you have anything to declare?

No, nothing.

Would you open the suitcase, please?


Let me take a look at this bag. Can you open it?


Is this camera a gift for someone?

No,it's my camera for personal use.

You have to pay tax for this camera.

No,please don't. This is for my personal use.

You have a lot of gifts. You have to pay for the camera.

Almost all are for my friends in the states. All right, Madam. I'll have a tow truck there within 30 minutes.