• [英语听力] 维他命D及日常饮食(2)

    美国人饮食中绝大部分的维生素D来自牛奶。营养专家将重新研究人们需要摄入多少维生素D和钙。Hints: I.U.s Institute of Medicine National Academies Small amounts of D are found in beef liver, cheese and...

    2009-10-04 00:00
  • [英语听力] 维他命D及日常饮食(1)

    维生素D有助于强健骨骼和肌肉,维生素D摄入不足可能引起软骨病和骨质疏松症等疾病。Hints:rickets osteoporosis mackerel Boston University Vitamin D helps bones and muscles grow strong and healthy. Low ...

    2009-10-03 00:00
  • [未分类小类] §餐饮相关词汇§

    §餐饮相关词汇§A.餐类breakfast 早餐to have breakfast 吃早餐lunch 午餐to have lunch 用午餐afternoon tea 下午茶(4-5点钟)high tea 午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时)di...

    2006-03-17 16:15