• [英语听力] 童话听写:三只小猪02

    猪老二造了木头房子,老三呢?……The second little pig was more hard-working than the first one. He decided to build a house with wood. So he went to an axe seller and begged, "I'm a homeless litt...

    2011-06-26 00:32
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:卖火柴的小女孩2

    卖火柴的小女孩怎么取暖呢?她有什么办法?New Year's Eve is so cold. The little match girl wants to go home. But her father will beat her if she doesn't sell any matches. "Go out and sell the ma

    2011-06-25 12:07
  • [英语听力] 童话故事:卖火柴的小女孩2

    卖火柴的小女孩怎么取暖呢?她有什么办法?New Year's Eve is so cold. The little match girl wants to go home. But her father will beat her if she doesn't sell any matches. "Go out and sell the ma...

    2011-06-25 12:07
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:三只小猪01

    三只小猪长大了,猪妈妈要求他们独立生活,它们会怎么办呢?Once upon a time, a mother pig and her three children lived in a village. One day, the mother pig called the three pigs together. "You've ...

    2011-06-24 12:31
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:卖火柴的小女孩1

    新年前一个晚上,一个女孩子在街上卖火柴…… Hints: New Year's Eve "Matches"写两次,第3次是回音.哈。It is New Year's Eve. The streets are covered with snow. There is a little girl on the street. S...

    2011-06-24 12:29
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:小红母鸡03

    英国民间故事小红母鸡The duck, the turkey, and the goose went to the little red hen's house. "The muffins smell yummy!" they said. "Can we help you eat them?" "No!" said the little red hen. "Y...

    2011-06-24 12:26
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:小红母鸡02

    英国民间故事小红母鸡The little red hen tried to make muffins. "I will ask for help." she said. The little red hen asked the duck, "Will you please help me make muffins?" The duck said, "No." ...

    2011-06-22 13:02
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:小红母鸡01

    英语民间故事A little red hen had a bag of corn. "I will take it home and make muffins," she said. The little red hen asked a duck, "Will you please help me lift my bag of corn?" The duck said, ...

    2011-06-21 13:51
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:白雪公主02

    白雪公主长大了,皇后可受不了,会发生什么事情呢?As Snow White grew up, she became more and more beautiful. Everyone liked her, except the queen. One day the queen asked the mirror as usual, "M...

    2011-06-08 10:20
  • [英语听力] 童话听写:白雪公主01

    Hints: Snow WhiteIn a beautiful country, there lived a king and a queen. They had a little princess. Her skin was as white as snow. Her lips were as red as a cherry and her hair was as dark as eb...

    2011-06-07 11:41