• [英语听力] 科学60秒:谁说人老不中用

    Sometimes people complain when trying to learn a new skill: “___1___.” But adult brains may be more pliable than we thought. Research has shown that adult brains can increase in gray matter ove...

    2011-08-03 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:和藻类共生的蝾螈

    A rolling stone gathers no____1____. But a salamander embryo can attract algae. Inside its tissues and cells. This intimate________—the first ever seen between algae and a vertebrate—is reveale...

    2011-08-03 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:会失眠的穴居鱼

    Creatures that live in the dark may lose their sight over evolutionary time. They may even lose their eyes entirely. Now it appears that they also lose sleep. Because a new study shows that cave-...

    2011-08-01 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:会失眠的穴居鱼

    Creatures that live in the dark may lose their sight over evolutionary time. They may even lose their eyes entirely. Now it appears that they also lose sleep. Because a new study shows that cave-

    2011-08-01 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:最甜蜜的水果不再遥不可及!

    Mark Twain called it “the most delicious fruit known to men.” He was talking about the cherimoya. If you never heard of it, there’s good reason. It has a feature that has prevented it from bec...

    2011-07-26 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:大象搭配,干活不累

    Elephants are smart, social animals.And now we know that they can organize themselves into teams to accomplish tasks. A research team that included renowned primatologist Franz de Waal taught 12 ...

    2011-07-23 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:大象搭配,干活不累

    Elephants are smart, social animals.And now we know that they can organize themselves into teams to accomplish tasks. A research team that included renowned primatologist Franz de Waal taught 12

    2011-07-23 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:寄生虫的阿基里斯之踵

    Every villain has his Achilles' heel. And microscopic scoundrels are no exception. The challenge for those who wish to ____1____ microbial bad guys is to identify that weak spot. Now, scientists ...

    2011-07-21 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:海龟自带"指南针"

    If you ___1___ in the Atlantic, you'd flounder on which way to swim. But a hatchling loggerhead turtle would know just where to paddle—by reading the Earth's magnetic field. Scientists knew turt

    2011-07-18 10:00
  • [英语听力] 科学60秒:海龟自带"指南针"

    If you ___1___ in the Atlantic, you'd flounder on which way to swim. But a hatchling loggerhead turtle would know just where to paddle—by reading the Earth's magnetic field. Scientists knew turt...

    2011-07-18 10:00