• [英语听力] Geek研究: 恐龙Sue是雄性的吗?

    这一恐龙化石命名为“sue”是用于纪念第一个发现它的妇女。 Hints: protuberances chevrons 选材/校对/翻译:hqj5715Larson set out to determine the sex of his fossil. First, he dissected

    2011-08-14 15:06
  • [英语听力] 为什么会有男人和女人?

    这是关于人类性别的文章。Why are there males and females? Why are there two sexes instead of three, or twelve, or one? On todays’s Moment of Science we'll learn why two is the magic number. L...

    2011-01-20 19:44
  • [职场&商务英语] 职场礼节美语69男女沟通大不同


    2010-08-10 10:39
  • [未分类小类] [彭蒙惠英语] 癌症的光明面 (1)

    The Upside of Cancer (1/2) A common health problem can provide a more positive outlook on life Though cancer can be a harrowing ordeal, a growing b...

    2007-05-13 22:20