• 寻踪》回归日期确定

    Rejoice, "Bones" fans! FOX has finally announced the long-awaited return date of its hit show. So, how long will you have to wait until your favorite show about [w]forensic[/w] [w]anthropology[/w] returns to TV? Well, however long between whenever it is you're reading this and April 5 at 9 p.m. That's how long. The return episode will feature Brennan and Booth [w]bicker[/w]ing over the [w]impending[/w] birth of their baby girl while [w]simultaneously[/w] investigating the death of a person found in a[w] sewer[/w]. (Ah, the dichotomy of "Bones" -- sweet and disgusting at the same time.) FOX also announced the premiere of the new Gordon Ramsay reality series "Hotel Hell" on Friday, April 6 at 8 p.m. It's basically "Kitchen Nightmares" but with hotels. "Bob's Burgers" returns for Season 2 on Sunday, March 11, "Touch" on Monday, March 19, and as we already knew, "Breaking In" Season 2 debuts in the network's new Tuesday night comedy block on March 6. "Glee" and "House" will both return to the schedule in April, with "House" running all original episodes until its series [w]finale[/w] on May 21. Follow Zap2it on Twitter and Zap2it on Facebook for the latest news and buzz 《识骨寻踪》(Bones)的粉丝们终于可以长舒一口气了。Fox官方今天正式确认《识骨寻踪》将于当地时间4月5日回归,接档其衍生剧《追踪者》(The Finder),后者将于当地时间3月29日完成自己13集的使命,结束第一季。 由于《识骨寻踪》主演艾米丽·丹斯切尔(Emily Deschanel)休产假,该剧已停播数月,预定集数也曾因此被削减至13集,但后来又被追定到17集。 根据Fox方面的原定计划,该剧本季还剩下7集播出(时间档允许)。至于第14-17集,Fox娱乐部总裁Kevin Reilly在电视评论人协会冬季媒体见面会上表示,“额外四集”要么放在《寻踪》下一个播出季播出,要么在今年夏天一迷你季形式播出。


    识骨寻踪 美剧

  • Betty White回归《寻踪

    又来助识骨寻踪攻了。[/cn] [en]Bones' upcoming 12th and final season will bring back many old favorite guest stars, so Betty White is likely the first of what's sure to be a slew of Bones guest stars to come.[/en][cn]《识骨寻踪》第十二季是本剧的最后一季,将会把很多之前观众喜爱的客串角色邀请回来,所以Betty White是第一个。[/cn]

  • 寻踪》艾米丽谈宝宝:他是一个非常超前的孩子

    That's one talented--and [w]toothy[/w]--baby! During a Bones press [w]conference[/w] Thursday, Emily Deschanel opened up to Us Weekly about what five-month-old Henry has been up to. "He's wonderful!" The Bones star, 35, gushed when asked about her son with actor David Hornsby. "He has two teeth...very advanced for his age." Continued the actress, "I don't know if that's advanced...but it's unusual!" Later on during the conference, Deschanel [w]dish[/w]ed about the Season 7 moment Bones fans have been waiting for: the birth of Brennan and Booth's baby. Unfortunately, Deschanel admitted the scene didn't go quite as [w]smoothl[/w]y as she, or her costar David Boreanaz, hoped it would. "That baby [w]pee[/w]d on us," Deschanel laughed. "Henry [had] also peed on me that day...when it happened I said, 'I've been peed on today by two different babies!'" But [w]despite[/w] the diaper-changing [w]hazard[/w]s she and her character face, the actress couldn't contain her [w]enthusiasm[/w] about her parenting experience[w] in general[/w]. "I don't get a lot of sleep, but I love it," Deschanel told reporters. "Henry's [w]awesome[/w]!" 沪江娱乐快讯:五个月前深受大家喜爱的《识骨寻踪》(Bones)女主角艾米丽生下了儿子亨利,日前《识骨寻踪》第七季的新闻发布会上,她向记者谈起了育儿经。她说五个月大的亨利已经长了两颗小牙齿,这很超前,令人兴奋,尽管很少睡觉但她很享受这个过程。同时她也谈到剧中bones与booth的孩子,笑称拍戏过程中有一天两个宝宝都尿了她一身,不禁令我们更加急切的盼望新剧集的播出。

  • FOX电视网宣布续订《寻踪》第九季

    会在明年如其回归。FOX电视台已经宣布续订该集2013-2014播出的第九季。[/cn] [en]"After more than 150 episodes, BONES continues to be one of television's most dynamic and consistent dramas," said Fox Chairman of Entertainment Kevin Reilly. "We at FOX, along with millions of zealous fans, look forward to seeing where the incredible creative team takes the series next season."[/en][cn]“在播出了150多集之后,《识骨寻踪》仍然是活跃在美识骨寻踪剧中的一颗明星,”FOX电视网的Kevin Reilly说。“我们FOX电视网和所有热爱这部美剧的观众一起,继续期待该剧的创作团队为我们带来精彩的下一季。[/cn] [en]Starring David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel, "Bones" has been one of FOX's strongest dramas over the past several years. The show just passed its 150th episode in December and will return with new episodes -- a double airing of "The Diamond in the Rough" (Booth and Brennan go undercover at a dance competition) and "The Archaeologist in the Cocoon" (an archaeologist with a questionable reputation dies right after making a major discovery) on Monday, Jan. 14 starting at 8pm.[/en][cn]这部由David Boreanaz和Emily Deschanel主演的《识骨寻踪》一直是FOX电视网过去几年播出的剧集中最强的一支。该剧在刚刚过去的12年12月刚刚播放了第150集,冬歇上演的《The Diamond in the Rough》和《The Archaeologist in the Coccon》这两集将会在1月14号播出。[/cn]

  • 寻踪》女主角升格当妈 剧组成员纷纷祝贺

    [en]Has Emily Deschanel had her baby? From the looks of tweets about the Bones star the answer is yes![/en] [cn]《寻踪》的女主角Emily Deschanel生了?看一眼Twitter上剧组众明星们的反应就知道啦![/cn] [en]It all started Wednesday afternoon with David Boreanaz (who is both co-producer along with Emily Deschanel and acts

  • Bones识骨寻踪5.14剧情预告 史上最灵异

    【详细版】2009秋季档美剧播出时间一览表 识骨寻踪第五季第14集 细节见心魔 播出时间:2010年2月4日 Brennan和Booth调查一具已经被烧得不成形的尸体,居然还再现了圣经上的文字描述。(Can I say: Ewwww?)随着调查的深入,他们得知这是安息林疗养院Adam Copeland医生以前的一个病人,而案子的嫌疑人都善恶难辨。研究所的实习生Arastoo Vaziri透露了关于自己过去生活的一点小秘密。 庆百集《寻踪》办派对 男女主角动情致辞 2009秋季档19部美剧新片简介大汇总 Bones Episode 5.14 The Devil in the Details

  • 寻踪》百集特别剧透 5.16片段

    劲儿的? 回答:回头你就会见着Brennan狠彪悍地揍了某人两拳然后扇了某人一巴掌。这俩人中间呢有一个是Booth(hia,小编我知道Booth到底是被揍还是被扇~~)另外还有些个亲嘴儿啦,不过我不告诉你们到底是发生在过去、现在还是俩时候都有(小编我猜是最后那个,嘻嘻)。[/cn] [en]Question: Like many Bones fans, I am looking forward to the upcoming 100th episode flashback and the return of Eric Millegan as Zack. But what about Jonathan Adams as their former boss? He took a three-month [w]sabbatical[/w] four seasons ago! Will his character even be addressed at all? —Jenny Ausiello: Dr. Daniel Goodman does not appear, but you will see [w]prosecutor[/w] Caroline Julian (Patricia Belcher) help Booth and Bones bring down a judge in the their first case.[/en] [cn]提问:我跟所有的骨灰级粉丝一样,盼着在百集特别篇里头看到Eric Millegan扮演的Zack回来呀!但是他们当年的领导Goodman会不会回来呀?至少要提一下吧…… 回答:他不回来哦。但是你会看到超有爱的水桶腰检察官大妈Caroline帮着Booth和Brennan的第一个案子,把某个不良法官给拉下台了。[/cn] 《寻踪》原创学习美剧使用口语学习笔记

  • 寻踪》第五季男主角另觅热辣新欢?!


  • Bones寻踪6.5剧情预告

    寻踪第六季第5集 不是头的头 播出时间:2010年11月4日 一个建筑工地上的混泥土浇筑地里发现了一位年轻舞者的头,死者的剩余遗骸又在哪里?经过调查,Booth和Brennan发现死者生前放弃了芭蕾舞转而投身街舞嘻哈,另一层线索被揭开,一位与死者有着秘密联系的嫌疑人浮出水面。而Booth的记者女友Hannah去到城区下只角做报道,她的安全受到了威胁,甚至生命垂危。 Bones Episode 6.5 The Bones that weren't Airs: Nov.4, 2010 After the skull of a promising young dancer

  • 寻踪》第五季 猜猜谁来当新娘

    [en]Here comes the [w]bride[/w]! Bones will host a big wedding in May. “One of the four women in our cast will be getting married,” says exec producer Hart Hanson, who (with a little [w]prodding[/w]) narrowed the [w=candidate]candidates[/w] down to these couples:[/en] [cn]新娘子来咯!五月份的《识骨寻踪》即将引来一场盛大的婚礼。编剧大人Hart Hanson透露说:“咱剧组主要角色的四个女人当中,有一个要结婚了。”这一颇具暗示的剧透让粉丝们的猜测集中到了四位常驻角色身上。[/cn] [en]Booth & Brennan “It would take a lot to get there, but it’s [w]conceivable[/w],” says Hanson. Really? When I was on set, I observed a kiss between David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel—but it was a behind-the-scenes [w]smooch[/w] on the cheek celebrating their 100th episode. The only way a wedding could happen is if they were undercover in a wedding [w]chapel[/w] or, as costar Tamara Taylor (Camille) says, “in another [w]alternate[/w] universe.” After fans [w=rebel]rebelled[/w] over last season’s dream-sex finale, I doubt they’d play us again.[/en] [cn]首先,男女主角Booth和Brennan,难道他们这季最后会结婚么?Hanson说:“对他俩来说,结婚的道路是曲折的,但也不一定就是不光明的。”真的假的啊?不过TV Guide小编在片场的时候还真的有看到男女主演David Boreanaz和Emily Deschanel亲过一下哦——虽说只是幕后花絮,还是在庆祝100集的派对上,香了下脸颊。他们俩要真的扮婚礼,除非是在教堂扮卧底吧?或者,如扮演Cam的Tamara所说:“还是在异度空间里头。”上一季大结局的梦里恩爱戏差点闹得粉丝们发飙,估计不敢再故伎重演吧?[/cn] [en]Angela & Hodgins “Angela and Hodgins almost made it down the [w]aisle[/w] at the end of the second season. They realized Angela was already married to Berimbau and then broke up,” says Michaela Conlin (Angela). “Although Wendell is turning out to be more than a [w]roll in the hay[/w], Angela is very in love with Hodgins and will [w]eventually[/w] end up with him.” I agree and am placing my bets on them! If her character married Wendell, she says, “Fans would probably be upset, and I’d also be a bit [w]bummed[/w].”[/en] [cn]接着就轮到配角Angela跟Hodgins这俩了。扮演Angela的Michaela Conlin自己都说:“他们俩第二季最后就已经进了礼堂,但是想起来说Angela曾经在旅途中嫁给了Berimbau,几经波折之后俩人分手了。虽说现在Wendell同学不是因为一时冲动谈恋爱的对象,可归根结底呢,Angela还是深深爱着Hodgins,他们俩最终一定会喜结连理的。”大伙儿都把宝押在这对身上,Michaela还说,要她演的角色最后嫁给了Wendell,“不但粉丝们会翻脸,我自己都会小不爽咧。”[/cn] [en]Daisy & Sweets “These two are a [w=hot and heavy]hot-and-heavy[/w] couple,” says Hanson. Maybe, but this [w]newbie[/w] intern is hardly May [w=sweep]sweeps[/w] bride [w]material[/w].[/en] [cn]那么会不会是可爱的Daisy跟Sweets咧?Hanson说:“这俩那是你侬我侬,亲密无间。”这两个小年轻看似有可能牵手,可是Daisy这个生涩的实习生真的适合当五月新娘的料么?[/cn] [en]Camille & Mystery Man “Cam will be meeting a love interest this season,” says Hanson. This comes as welcome news to Tamara. “Cam hasn’t had a date in years, so it will be interesting to see how [w]ungraceful[/w] she is falling in love,” Tamara says. “But I don’t think I’m the bride.” [/en] [cn]最后,Cam会不会偶遇真命天子,然后闪电结婚列?Hanson保证:“这季Cam会遇上个心上人滴。”扮演Cam的Tamara当然很高兴:“Cam有几年没恋爱了,要见她怎么迫不及待坠入爱河那还真是桩好玩的事儿。但我觉得不该是我当新娘吧?”[/cn] 《 寻踪》原创学习美剧使用口语学习笔记