Hints: Earth Mars Ultimately 最后一句话要带" "

My guess is that if you have the right ingredients, life is inevitable. But it is just a guess. We have just one example here on Earth. We don't know for sure if that's the case. And that's why I wanna go to Mars to test that guess, to turn it from a guess to a scientific fact.
My feeling is that it's likely that there is life elsewhere in the Universe, there are just so many other stars, so many other planets, it's hard for me to imagine that this is the only life forms we have is what we have here on Earth.
A hundred years ago, some astronomers believed that there were civilizations on Mars with cities and canals. They were wrong about the cities but the water is there. So maybe the life is too after all. But ultimately we may have to go there to answer the question "Are we alone in the universe?"
