
recover → recovery      evolutionary → evolve

erosion → erode          


补充讲义Sticking Power中的Q15:What makes sticky insects feet special is the fact that they can also detach themselves easily from a surface。

此题属于人名理论配对,题目中定位词为 detach。到文章中去定位,我们会定位到“’There are lots of ways to make two surfaces stick together, but there are very few which provide precise and reversible attachment’ says Stas Gorb”,句中attachment实际上为detach的反义词attach的名词形式,而reversible表示可逆的,因此reversible attachment即为detach的反义词(组)的否定形式。

其它的反义词否定形式变身如:similar → not unusual


剑6,Test3的Q28:Studies show drugs available today can delay the process of growing old。此题为是非无判断题,定位词为“drugs”,在文章中定位,我们能在文章第一段定位到“As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging –the build-up of molecular and cellular damage that increases vulnerability to infirmity as we get older”。文章中“treatment”即为定位词“drugs”的上义词。

剑4,Test2的Q8:Young people often reject the established way of life in their community。此题为人名理论配对题,题目中信息量较大,需要根据词组“reject the established way of life in their community”来定位,到文章中定位,我们会定位到“When the next generation reaches their teens, they might not want to be induced into the old traditions”。此处,“the old traditions”即为题目中“the established way of life in their community”的上义词组。

其它的上义词/词组变身如:the newspaper and television → media


剑5,Test3的Q27:how AI might have a military impact。此题为段落信息配对题,定位词为“military”,在文章中定位,我们会在E段定位到“HNC claim that their system based on a cluster of 30processors, could be used to spot camouflaged vehicles on a battlefield or …”,句中“battlefield”即为“military”的下义词。

其它的下义词/词组变身如:military → weapon / the Second World War


剑7,Test3的Q28:Problems in Nordic countries were excluded because they are outside the European Economic Community,此题为是非无判断题,定位词为“Nordic countries”。在文章中定位,我们能够在第一段定位到“Those confined to particular geographical areas, such as countries bordering the Mediterranean or the Nordic countries therefore had to be discarded”,句中的“Nordic countries”即为定位词原词。