
With Earth an ecological disaster, a corporation sets its sights on the distant planet Pandora, which possesses a mineral that can be used as a valuable energy source. To overcome the resistance of the planet's indigenous population, the Na'vi, former Marine Jake Sully is sent to infiltrate the society as a part-human, part-Na'vi avatar who can operate on Pandora while Jake himself remains in a twilight sleep.



The Blind Side《弱点》根据真人真事改编,深情温柔又充满生活气息的电影,女主角表演可圈可点。
African-American teenager Michael Oher has been in and out of the foster care system throughout his difficult childhood. When suburban mom Leigh Anne Tuohy, whose children are Michael's schoolmates, discovers him living on the streets, he gains a home with the Tuohy family and receives the stability and encouragement he needs to develop his talents as a football player.



District 9《第九区》票房黑马,纪录片风格的科幻片,独具匠心,意味深远。
The arrival of an enormous disabled spaceship over Johannesburg, South Africa, has led to the establishment of a refugee camp on the city's outskirts for the ship's starving, stranded aliens. Leading an attempt to relocate its inhabitants to a more remote location is security expert Wikus van de Merwe, whose lack of knowledge about the visitors will undergo a dramatic change when he becomes infected with an alien substance.



An Education《成长教育》秀丽新星出演的少女成长故事被英国影业誉为2009年度最好的电影
When Jenny, a 16-year-old English schoolgirl, finds herself the object of a calculated seduction by a charming older man, she is by turns wary, flattered, and disarmed by his interest. As their relationship develops, Jenny is drawn deeper into a sophisticated world of wealth and style that may be too good to be true.



The Hurt Locker《拆弹部队》和平年代里的战场英雄,写实的画面触目惊心,将主人公的形象刻画得栩栩如生
As the war in Iraq continues, Staff Sgt. William James carries out one of the most dangerous of all military assignments: bomb defusing. While James thrives on the job's risks, the head of his support team, Sgt. JT Sanborn, becomes increasingly worried by what he feels is a growing recklessness in James's behavior.



Inglourious Basterds《无耻混蛋》昆汀戏说二战,集齐欧洲一大票实力派演员,镜头感绝佳,叙事节奏恰到好处
Shosanna, a resourceful young movie theater owner fighting to stay one step ahead of the Nazis in occupied France, plots her revenge on the man responsible for her family's death, the flamboyant Col. Hans Landa. Her plan soon draws the attention of Lt. Aldo Raine, who leads a group of Jewish soldiers known as the Basterds in a savage campaign behind enemy lines.



Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire《珍爱人生》关注弱势群体的生活状态,女主人公遭遇让人唏嘘,故事催人泪下,而拍摄手法也颇为独到。
Sixteen-year-old Precious Jones is overweight, nearly illiterate, and the victim of horrific physical and verbal abuse at the hands of her mother and father. Facing a seemingly hopeless future, Precious transfers to a new school, where a dedicated teacher and fellow classmates offer the unhappy young girl a chance for a new life.



A Serious Man《严肃的男人》科恩兄弟出品,看似乏味无聊的琐碎,给人无穷回味。人善被人欺的无奈与不公在影片中被真实还原。
In a series of escalating personal catastrophes, physics professor Larry Gopnik finds himself facing an unfaithful wife, ungrateful children, a troubled brother-in-law and poison pen letters at work. But Gopnik is a fundamentally decent man, and he tries, with increasing despair, to respond rationally and fairly to trials befitting a modern-day Job.



Carl Fredricksen, a gruff, lonely old man, thwarts an attempt to force him out of his home by launching it into the air with hundreds of helium balloons. As he sets his sights on South America, however, Carl discovers he has an inadvertent stowaway: a Boy Scout named Russell who was trapped on his front porch.



Up in the Air《在云端》从独具匠心的视角探讨了当代社会,尤其是在金融危机大背景下的人际,三位主角皆有出色表现。
Ryan Bingham is a corporate downsizer who spends his days in hotels, airports, and airplanes as he travels around the country laying off other companies' workers with polished finesse. His pursuit of a life without emotional connections is called into question, however, by his interactions with two women, one a sophisticated fellow traveler and the other an inexperienced young colleague.
