接下来通过剑5 Test 4的Flawed Beauty一文中的Summary题型的解析来进行说明。


Questions 18-23

Toughened glass is favoured by architects because it is much stronger than ordinary glass, and the fragments are not as 18 …… when it breaks. However, it has one disadvantage: it can shatter 19 …… This fault is a result of the manufacturing process. Ordinary glass is first heated, then cooled very 20 ……. The outer layer 21 …… before the inner layer, and the tension between the tow layers which is created       because of this makes the glass stronger. However, if the glass contains nickel sulphide impurities, crystals of nickel sulphide are formed. These are unstable, and can expand suddenly particularly if the weather is 22 ……. If this happens, the pane of glass may break. The frequency with which such problems occur is 23 …… by glass experts. Furthermore, the crystals cannot be detected without sophisticated equipment.…

解析 Flawed beauty一文是整个雅思官方出版物剑桥系列中唯一的整体乱序的Summary题目,直接硬攻对于基础一般的同学而言效果并不好。对于基础良好的同学来说,如果全文阅读速度不慢,该题也不是那么高不可攀。但如果结合了时间有限等负面因素,我们也许就应该考虑直接从题目入手。

简单一看,这一组Summary的word options具有较大的词性区分度,属于很理想的语法确定的情况。如果题目理解到位,一般来说就可以将每个空的候选项压缩到很有限的几个词。

18 题的前面提到钢化玻璃受欢迎(favoured)原因有两点(because … and …),这时我们可以完全根据语法和上下文语意定性,该空应该是一个含有negative meaning,跟普通玻璃破碎时的情况有关的形容词。显然,虽然option众多,符合刚才分析的只有唯一的答案F sharp。如果此题按常规方法做,将有一定难度。

19 题所处的句子的逻辑告诉我们它涉及的是钢化玻璃的弊端(however … disadvantage),而词性的语法分析又告诉我们这里需要的是一个副词。所以合二为一,符合语法的仅有三项slowly/quickly/unexpectedly,而这其中最可能符合逻辑的是I unexpectedly。

20 题同样可以通过语法和语义判断缩小范围:这里需要副词。而刚才已经用掉I,因此只有slowly/quickly两项可用。如果不能利用常识做出“加热后冷淬”的判断而纯粹依靠概率,你仍然有50%的可能作对这一题:C quickly

21 题是位于谓语位置的一个空,由于整篇Summary是以客观的三人称使用现在时描述的,这时符合条件的仅剩expands和contracts两个。至于是outerlayer早于inner layer膨胀(expands)还是收缩(contracts),根据下文tension between the two layers,和逻辑的就只有K contracts。或者,类似20题,你也可以做一个best guess。

22 题关于天气(weather),而这种天气状况下东西会膨胀(expand),根据语法能够放进来的只有形容词,因此就只有warm和cold可用。我想应该没有人会选错这一个。
