
Rice 50g

Millet 50g

Sticky rice 50g

Red beans 100g

Lotus seeds 100g

Broad beans 100g

Dried longans 100g

Peanuts 100g

Chestnuts 100g

Red jujube 100g

White sugar


大米 50克

小米 50克

糯米 50克

高粱 50克

红豆 100克

莲子 100克

胡豆 100克

干龙眼 100克

花生 100克

板栗 100克

红枣 100克



1. Soak the lotus seeds in a bowl of water, steam at high heat for 1 hour, take out and draw aside for later use;

1. 将莲子泡入水中,高火蒸1个小时,取出待用;

2. Peel off the skin of longans and remove the seeds; strip off both outer and inner skins of chestnuts; wash sorghum, red beans, broad beans, peanuts, jujube, rice, millet and sticky rice;

2. 龙眼、板栗去皮去核;其余材料用清水清洗;

3. Place sorghum, red beans, peanuts and jujube in a pot, cover with water and cook to half tender;

3. 将高粱、红豆、板栗和红枣放入锅中、煮至半软烂;

4. Add broad beans, rice, millet and sticky rice into the pot, blend well. After boiling, shimmer in low heat until the nuts become tender;

4. 加入胡豆、大米、玉米和糯米,充分混合。水开后、改小火精炖,直至坚果都变软;

5. Add steamed lotus seeds and bring to boil. Remove from the fire, add white sugar, ready to serve.

5. 加入蒸熟的莲子、再次煮开。熄火、加入适量白糖、开动!

