5. 22世纪澳洲口音大行天下。男主角的澳洲口音很是迷人,这点不错滴。

5. Aussie-American Accents Are the Way of the 22nd Century  Good call, James Cameron, by letting Sam Worthington keep the Australian twang to his American accent. The actor’s voice maintains a pleasant consistency that wasn’t found in "Terminator Salvation" and recalls the tones of Mel Gibson. Maybe Cameron went a wee bit too far in that direction, though, in the "Braveheart" scene.

6. 海军部队长官的官腔还是老样子。上校同志的好多台词口气都跟上世纪80年代的片子无二异,好穿越啊……

6. Marine Cliches Survive, Too! “Get some!” cries one Marine. Meanwhile, virtually everything that villainous Colonel Miles Quaritch says, from “Pandora will s--- you out with zero warning” to “Nothing’s over while I’m breathing," sounds, well, like it’s taken from a 2009 action movie that’s nodding back to the genre’s 1980s heyday, which its creator helped establish. As a point of reference, here are a few military words and phrases popular in the mid-19th century. “Graveled” -- to be perplexed; “The pinch of the game” -- the defining moment; “Tight scratch” -- a difficult fight. I’m saying the tough guys of Avatar might do terse-talk we don’t quite understand. “Grub the Navs, chippers, I be blerkin the pnau-flerks out of ‘em!”

7. 要USB做啥?有头发就够了。在不久后的将来,你就能用你的头发上传数据,下载信息,逗逗蜻蜓,玩玩花草……

7. Hair’s The New USB And you thought braided ponytails were only for acid casualties, time-warp-stuck yuppies and drummers in reggae bands? Think again, kiddo. In the future, whenever you want to upload or download a few files -- or sync with a flying dragon, or the planet in general -- you’ll reach for your hairbraid’s fibre-optic thingies. Hair stylists will price their weave work by the Tera-byte and connection speed.

8. 如果你住在尼日利亚或者委内瑞拉那块地儿,赶快搬了吧。在可怜的非洲国家人民啊,就因为他们地底下有珍贵物资就要遭遇强迁,没天理!

8. If You Live In Nigeria or Venezuela: Move Sorry, Nigerians and Venezualans, but according to Cameron, you will some time soonish be receiving a visit from the U.S. Marine Corps and its hi-tech arsenal -- all because you live on top of something precious and have therefore become an enemy of the country-company. Hmm … Nigeria … Venezuela … what could it be, y’ail?

9. 外星人傻不拉机的,还喜怒无常。质朴的纳美人与动植物土地森林无比亲近,但他们却技术落后,用弓箭完全抵御不了暴力嘛!

9. Aliens Will Be Slow Learners and a Little Fickle The Na’vi have plenty of spiritual connections to Pandora, live in sweet symbiosis with the animals and plants, and are all-round athletic warriors. But they aren’t the brightest chameleons in the terrarium, as evidenced by their initial bow-and-arrow response to super-dooper hover-gunships. No offence, blue guys, but you’ve had -– oh –- decades to learn that firing your pointy sticks doesn’t work at that range. Thankfully, they can depend on the clans -- even if they never mention them in passing. Which makes me think our forest-dwelling heroes may be fair-weather Na'vi.

10. 风水轮流转,终究回到原点。《阿凡达》在视觉感官上的旷古绝今不容置疑,但在剧情上,却依旧沿袭了很多过去老电影中的桥段。大概是卡梅隆大导想要表现出人类从来不肯学乖的主题吧?

10. Future Verse, Same as the First I’m not the first and I won’t be the last to say it. "Avatar" is visually revolutionary, a technological step forward into the filmmaking future. But it’s also a liberal space-set cowboys & Indians story that echoes most obviously 1991’s "Dances With Wolves: and before that Jimmy Stewart’s 1950 western "Broken Arrow" and John Wayne’s 1953 3D effort "Hondo."Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Maybe it’s Cameron’s sly point: while the Na’vi learn slow, humans never learn.

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