We take so much for granted
Like going to school
Watching TV
Seeing a movie
Keeping warm at night
It's easy to forget that every day,
millions of people living in poverty
are fighting for their lives.
Progress is being made.
Tens of millions more kids in school.
Millions of people on life-saving AIDS medicine.
And Malaria deaths cut in half in countries all across Africa.
But more needs to be done.
This is not about charity.
It's about justice.
It's about equality.
Over the course of history, young people -- like us -- have made a difference.
We have changed laws.
We have broken barriers.
We have decided elections.
We can defeat extreme poverty and preventable disease.
By all working together across borders, time zones, cultures ...
Through awareness, advocacy and action.
As college students, you have the power to build a better future.
Create a buzz.
The more people talk, the more we can accomplish.
You and me, all of us.
Coming together as ONE.
Join us.
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