Decoration 圣诞树装饰

贴士: 最简单传统的圣诞树装饰是用小果子和爆米花串起来的小挂件,非常环保,不会对环境有什么污染,像松球也是很天然的。

Go with the old school things like string cranberries and popcorn. It doesn't cost much money at all and it involves no plastics. Nothing's going to sit in the landfill. Both of these elements can actually go in your composed pile as soon as you are done stringing them on the tree. Use other national-found elements like pine cones to decorate your house. And you can use an old egg carton to store those valuable bulbs and different ornaments for your tree.

Lights 圣诞树灯泡


Those standard old incandescent bulbs are way less efficient than the newer light bulbs, especially if you are using these great big Christmas bulbs and you're using those indoors and outdoors. There are new LED light bulbs that are actually 80-90% more efficient than the standard ones. Here's a box. This box I actually bought for about 10 dollars, so not much more expensive. But here's the deal. This string of lights is going to last a hundred thousand hours when used indoors--of course, the efficiency goes down just a little bit when they are used outdoors. Thirty days of using a string of five hundred regular bulbs are going to cost you about eighteen dollars in energy costs and it will cost only 19 cents if you are running the LED bulbs instead. So it's gonna save you a lot of money in the long run.

Wrapping 礼物的包装


We generate about four billion tons of extra trush just from wrapping paper and shopping bags during the holiday season. So think outside the box this year. Use things like old T-shirts and sweeters and scarf to wrap the gifts.