Start Doing the Job


You don't want to stage an office coup and start making personnel decisions that are your boss' responsibility. But you need to show that you can work at a higher level than your current position.


"People are easily promoted when they show that they can already do parts of the job they want to move into," says Steve Levin, principal of Leading Change Consulting & Coaching, in Portola Valley, California. "If you want to move from being a manager to a group manager, start taking on responsibility for what a group manager does. Start thinking like they do."

Leading Change Consulting & Coaching是加州波托拉谷的一家公司,其主要负责人Steve Levin说:“在人们已经开始做想要进入的那个层次的工作的时候,他们就很容易获得一次晋升。如果你想从一名经理晋升到部门经理的话,那就从主动承担部门经理的一项任务开始吧。开始用他们的方式思考。“

Then you can make the case that "I'm already doing the job; I just need the title."


"That's pretty irresistible to your boss," Levin says.


Have a Plan B


Many people think there's a system in place at work that will take care of them and their career path, Harkness says. "They expect it to happen 1-2-3, automatically. They do the right thing, and they're going to get that promotion. It doesn't work that way."


In fact, Harkness says, it can happen that "you do everything you're supposed to do and it doesn't work." It's important to understand that the workplace is uncertain -- and to know what your backup plan is if you don't get the promotion you want.


If the promotion was a stretch and your boss is encouraging even while turning you down, it may be worth spending another year gaining experience. But you may also want to explore career options outside the company.


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