
蹩脚口语:sidy by side
地道口语:neck and neck

在线看GossipGirl第三季学英语3.08 政坛纠结

影视来源:《绯闻女孩》 点此看GG3.08完整剧集和学习笔记>>

Nate: Excuse me, grandfather. Can I speak with you for a moment?
Guy: Zogby has them neck and neck. Rasmussen puts him up by a point.
Maureen: Tripp, that's fantastic.
Grandfather: Remember, until the polls close, any time someone mentions the name Tripp Van Der Bilt, it should be followed by the word "hero."
Nate: Well, I guess miracles do happen, huh, grandfather?
Grandfather: Our family is really blessed. So is that man who almost died.

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