Playing it safe with your career may seem smart. But to really get ahead, you may need to take some risks.

"Nothing gives your career a boost like succeeding at a risk," says Sheila Wellington, author of "Be Your Own Mentor" and a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. "It helps you break out of the pack."
Sheila Wellington 是“成为你自己的良师”一书的作者,也是纽约大学斯特恩商学院教授,她说:“没有什么比成功度过一次风险更能提升你的职业了,这能够让你脱颖而出。”

Still, before you take a risk -- whether it's quitting your job or confronting your boss -- consider whether it's smart or foolish.

Make sure you know yourself and your organization well enough to understand what happens if you take a risk and it doesn't work out. Will failure damage your career, or will coworkers admire your initiative? Will you be devastated, emotionally or financially, if you don't succeed? Or do you have a high tolerance for failure?

That's what Wellington and other experts say you should consider when evaluating career risks such as these:

1. Taking on a tough project. Succeeding where others have given up is a great way to make a name for yourself.

"It's a way to get ahead, to take something that's big and dangerous," says Norm Meshriy, a career counselor and principal of Career Insights in Walnut Creek, California.
加利福尼亚洲的核桃溪市职业专家、咨询顾问Norm Meshriy 说:“获得成功的方法之一就是去做一些大而危险的事情。”

But look at what has happened to others who have tried. Have they had their reputations tarnished? Or have their efforts been rewarded?

2. Changing careers. It's exciting to think about making a fresh start. But especially in today's economy, make sure you have a Plan B.

"The biggest risk in terms of a job transition is going to a different job in a different industry," says Michael Beasley, owner of Career-Crossings in Portola Valley, California, and a consultant with Right Management. You'll have a lot to learn -- right at the time when you need to be proving your worth to your new employer.
加利福尼亚,波脱拉谷的企业主,睿仕管理顾问Michael Beasley说:“在工作过渡期最大的危险就是在不同的行业开始一项新工作。”你必须要学会在正确的时机向你的雇主战士的你的价值。