
绝望主妇第六季第1集 双抢滩新娘
崭新的一季带来崭新的答案,Mike的新娘终于揭开面纱; Lynette再度怀孕;Bree奋力挣脱Orson的控制;Gabrielle又为青少年困扰;与此同时,一个新的家庭带着一段不为人知的过去再度搬入本已不平静的紫藤巷。


Desperate Housewives
Episode 6.01 Nice is Different Than Good

Airs: Sep. 27, 2009
Mike Delfino's bride will finally be revealed: will it be Katherine, or will it be Susan? Lynette faces the reality of another pregnancy, whereas Bree struggles to break free from Orson and her inhibitions. In the meantime, Gabrielle is put to the test by Carlos' teenaged niece, now in their care, and a new family with a dark past moves to Wisteria Lane.
