Indoor air pollution is a common threat to human health, the new study looked at five common house plants and found that when it comes to removing harmful chemicals from the air, those five plants are better than others.


All five plants did a good job removing acetone (you’ve probably noticed its smell in nail salons—the pungent chemical is present in nail polish remover). But the popular Dracaena plant, with its trunk-like stems and shiny leaves, took in more of the gas than any other greenery tested (94% over the 12-hour study period).

Jade plant

Out of the five plants tested, this easy-to-care-for succulent—also known as a friendship tree, lucky plant, or money tree—was the best at removing toluene (91%), a strong-smelling chemical often associated with paint thinners.

Spider plant

The spider plant ranked first for removing ethylbenzene (62%), p-Xylenes (92%), and o-Xylene (93%)—chemicals that are found in inks, rubbers, adhesives, paints, and varnishes. This plant is adaptable to many environments.


This spiky, colorful house plant (it’s related to the pineapple!) was best at removing benzene (92%), a toxic gas present in motor vehicle exhaust and cigarette smoke. It was also the most effective, overall, at removing multiple VOCs—taking up more than 80% of six out of the eight chemicals studied. For this reason, it could be a good plant to have sitting around in the household or workplace.

Caribbean Tree Cactus

These hardy cacti produce tiny flowers and grow well with lots of sunlight. While it was not the best at removing any one chemical, it did still remove more than 80% of ethylbenzene, p-Xylenes, and acetone, and about 60% of benzene, toluene, and o-Xylene.
