3)awards you have received

4) references of people who are familiar with your work

5) multimedia (photographs, videos, etc.)

6) certificates

7)newspaper / magazine clippings

8) job descriptions

4. Organize and present your portfolio in a concise, convincing manner.

Your college will explain the specifics about how the material should be presented, but make sure that your message comes across in the way your work is organized. Providing a list of included documents and the respective skills and knowledge that they prove, as well as suggested course equivalency, may help reviewers to understand your experience and target credits to specific courses.
{虽然学校会向解释你提供资料时该如何展示,但是要确保你提供的资料是经过整理的。提供一张包括所有资料列表的清单,以及其中证明的相关技巧,知识,以及 相关的课程,这样有助于浏览者了解你的经历,而你可以得到具体课程的学分。

Applying for life experience credits and organizing a portfolio may take quite a bit of time. But, when you compare it to the time you would have spent in class learning material that you’ve already mastered, you’ll be glad you took a few extra hours to get credit for what you already know.