64. Which of the following has been done by the author himself?
A.   Buying the medical equipment
B.   Finding the land and the office.
C.   Decorating the building that would become the clinic.
D.  Getting a special license for the retired doctors.'
65.In the last paragraph, “I think my father’s words found their way up north to McNeil” implies that ______.
A.  my father’s words finally reached McNeil
B.   McNeil decided to do something for the needy people
C.  My father decided to assist us in opening more clinics in the north
D.  McNeil community was badly in need of free health care programs
Passage 5
Even before Historian Joseph Ellis became a best-selling author, he was famous for his vivid lectures. In his popular courses at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, he would often make classroom discussion lively by describing his own combat experience in Vietnam. But as Ellis’s reputation grew-his books on the Founding Fathers have won both the prestigious National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize ——the history professor began to entertain local and national reporters with his memories of war. Last year, after The Boston Globe carried accounts of Ellis’s experience in the Vietnam war, someone who knew the truth about Ellis dropped a dime(揭发) . Last week The Boston Globe revealed that Ellis, famous for explaining the nation’s history, had some explaining to do about his own past.
   “Even in the best of lives, mistakes are made ,” said a wretched Ellis . It turned out that while the distinguished historian had served in the Army, he’d spent his war years not in the jungles of Southeast Asia , but teaching history at West Point(西点军校). He’d also overstated his role in the antiwar movement and even his high-school athletic records . His admission shocked colleagues, fellow historians and students who wondered why someone so accomplished would beautify his past. But it seems that success and truthfulness don’t always go hand in hand . Even among the distinguished achievers, security experts say, one in ten is deceiving—indulging in everything from empty boasting to more serious offenses such as plagiarism(剽窃), fictionalizing military records, making up false academic certificates or worse . And , oddly, prominent people who beautify the past often do so once they’re famous , says Ernest Brod of Kroll Associates, which has conducted thousands of background checks . Says Brod: “It’s not like they use these lies to climb the ladder.”
  Then what makes them do it ? Psychologists say some people succeed, at least in part , because they are uniquely adjusted to the expectations of others . And no matter how well-known, those people can be haunted by a sense of their own shortcomings. “From outside, these people look anything but fragile,” says Dennis Shulman , a New York psychoanalyst. “But inside, they feel hollow , empty.”
66. Which of the following is true about Ellis?
A.  He is a famous professor of history at West Point.
B.   His book on the Vietnam war has won two important prizes.
C.  He has told both students and reporters about his own experience of war.
D.  He has written a best-seller for a newspaper —The Boston Globe
67. While Ellis served in the Army , he          .
A.  combated in Vietnam
B.   taught at a military school
C.  exaggerated his part as a historian
D.  made mistakes in the antiwar movement
68. What did Ellis lie about?
A.  His war experience in Vietnam.
B.   His athletic records in high school.
C.  His role in the antiwar movement.
D.  All of the above.
69. What does “ to climb the ladder” in the second paragraph mean?
A.  To become more successful.
B.   To inquire into one’s background.
C.  To cover one’s serious offenses.
D.  To go further in beautifying one’s past.
70. According to psychologists, successful people who lie about themselves          .
A.  take pride in their weaknesses
B.   feel weak in their hearts
C.  think nothing of others
D.  look weak to others
Part IV  Cloze   (15 minutes , 10 points)
Directions : In this part , there is a passage with twenty blanks . For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer for each blank and mark the corresponding letter on your ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

With 950 million people , India
ranks second to China among the
most populous countries. But since
China   71   a family planning
program in 1971, India has been
closing the   72   . Indians have
reduced their birth rate but not
nearly   73   the Chinese have.
If current growth rates continue,
India’s population will   74 
China’s around the year 2028
75                   about 1.7 billion.
71.      A. discovered              B. circulated
           C. launched                 D. transmitted
72.      A. gap                        B. top
           C. bit                          D. bet
73.      A. as many as             B. as well as
           C. as soon as              D. as much as
74.      A. shake                     B. pass
           C. rocket                    D. impress
75.      A. on                         B. in
Should that happen , it won’t be
the   76   of the enlightened
women of Kerala, a state in
southern India.  77   India as a
whole adds almost 20 million
people a year , Kerala’s population
is virtually   78   . The reason is
No mystery: nearly two-thirds of
Kerala women practice birth
control,  79   about 40% in the
entire nation.
  The difference   80   the
emphasis put on health programs,
  81   birth control, by the state
authorities,  82   in 1957
became India’s first elected
Communist   83  . And an
educational tradition and
matrilineal(母系的) customs in
parts of Kerala help girls and boys
get   84   good schooling.
While one in three Indian women
is   85  , 90% of those in Kerala
can read and write.
  Higher literacy rates   86 
Family planning. “Unlike our
Parents , we know that we can do more for our children if we have    87    of them,” says Laila
Cherian, 33 , who lives in the
Village of Kudamaloor. She has
Limited herself   88   three
children—one below the national
  89   of four . That kind of restraint(抑制;克制)will keep
Kerala from putting added   90 
                                            on world food supplies.
C. at                           D. for
76.      A. force                      B. fight
           C. false                       D. fault
77.     A. While                    B. Since
           C. Because                  D. Suppose
78.     A. reliable                   B. stable
           C. countable                D. flexible
79.     A. benefited from        B. involved with
           C. compared with       D. resulted from
80.     A. lies in                    B. shows off
           C. results in                D. departs from
81.      A. reviving                 B. including
           C. practicing               D. containing
82.      A. that                       B. since
           C. what                     D. which
83.      A. group                     B. alliance
           C. government            D. bureau
84.      A. equally                   B. officially
           C. sharply                   D. proudly
85.      A. cultural                   B. literate
           C. native                     D. responsible
    86.      A. foster                     B. hamper
              C. reform                   D. advocate
87.      A. less                        B. more
              C. fewer                     D. better
    88.     A. in                          B. at
              C. as                         D. to 
    89.     A. statistics                 B. average
              C. tendency                D. category
    90.     A. increase                  B. challenge
              C. pressure                 D. complaint


Paper Two (60 minutes)

Part I     Error Detection and Correction            (10 minutes, 10 points)
Part II     Translation                                          (20 minutes, 10 points)
Part III    Writing                                                (30 minutes, 15 points)
1、  试卷二共4页,满分为35分。
2、  试卷二考试时间为60分钟。10:35开始,11:35考试结束。
3、  试卷二的答案一律用钢笔或圆珠笔做在答题纸上,做在试卷上的无效。
4、  考试结束后,请一律停笔,将试卷和答题纸反扣在自己的桌面上,坐在原位,等待监考人员收卷,待全部收齐点清,宣布可以离场后考生方可离开考场。
5、  交卷时,须请监考人员验收并在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据)。否则,若发现答卷遗失,责任由考生自负。
Part I  Error Detection and Correction (10 minutes , 10 points)
Directions : Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect . Then, write down the corresponding letter and , without altering the meaning of the sentence , put the correction on the ANSWER SHEET.
1.  The new technology has made possible for the doctor to make diagnoses
                       A                     B
without seeing the patient in person.
         C                    D
2.       Customers are asked to ensure that they have given correct change before
            A                       B
leaving the shop as mistakes cannot be afterwards remedied.
C                                    D
3.       This research program is financed by two funds , the largest of which
A                         B                    C      
Could last for two years.   
4.       The fact which a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor
        A                           B
does not mean that he will indeed be able to act well on the stage.
          C                                   D
5.       There is few evidence that children in language classrooms learn foreign
           A                        B
languages any better than adults in similar classroom situations.
C                              D
6.       Although fitness will not guarantee that you will live longer , it can help
                        A                   B
you enjoying the years you do live.
         C                   D
7.       While schools developing online curricula try to strike a balance between
  A                                           B
profits and prestige , many educators are confusing about their role in this
digital world.
8.       He was caught cheating in the examination . If he had had a tail , he
         A        B                               C
would put it between his legs.
9.       When he speaks at banquets , he makes a point of going into the kitchen
             A              B
And to shake hands with wvery waiter and waitress.
        C          D
10.   Other guests at yesterday’s opening , which was broadcast alive by the
             A                     B               C
radio station, included the princess and her husband.
Part II  Translation (20 minutes , 10 points )
Directions : Translate the following passage into English . Write your translation on the
Part III  Writing(30 minutes , 15 points)
Directions: In this part ,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 150 words on The Increase in the Number of Chinese Traveling Abroad. Study the following chart carefully and base your composition on the information given in the chart.(图表省略)
1.       State the changes in the number of Chinese traveling abroad in the past three years.
2.       Give possible reasons for the changes.
Part II Vocabulary
Section A
16—20: DBDCA  21—25: BCBDC  26—30: ACBAD
Section B
31—35: DACDB  36—40: DADCA          41—45: ADCBA
Part III  Reading Comprehension
Passage 1
46: 这个题属于职业确定的题,全文都涉及到Grisham所做的事情的介绍,这个题基本贯穿全文,读于贯穿全文的题不能读全文,主要依靠首末段来判断。末段谈到Grisham梦想成为一个professional baseball player显然是陷阱,其混淆作用,所以答案应该在第一段,只能选律师。B
48. 这个题的答案主要集中在文中的一个虚拟句上,所以答案应该是C.
49.   文中谈到The Firm这本小说是最畅销的,且在The New York Times上用了47个星期出版,故答案应该是D.
50.   文章最后谈到它为了实现少年时代的梦想,用自己的钱建了棒球场,这样很多年轻人可以打棒球。所以答案应该是A.
Passage 2
51.   第一段谈到素质教育的目的是实现社会进步,各方面的进步。答案应该是B.
52.   文中的 第二三段谈了人们理想的目标是要所有的儿童能够接受小学教育。答案应该是A.
53.   文中说如果按基本的标准来评价,则59个国家都不能实现教育的目标。B.
54.   第三段中对选想A,B和C都谈到,而D选想没有谈到,所以答案是D.
55.   文忠在假设的条件下得到一个结论或结果,提干中如果不提这个结果,则答案只能是选择不确定的选项或者是模糊的选项。
Passage 3
56. 第一段中作者告诉我们亚洲狮来自于非洲,所以答案应该时B。
57. 作者在观察狮子时发现狮子不象老虎那样躲藏着,而是很友好地和人相处,这样答案A、C都有可能,但是二者权衡取其小C。
58. 最后一段的首句表明狮子在食物争夺中并不会没有秩序,所以答案应该是B.
60.  文中说道Gir has as many lions as it can hold----too many, in fact.,这句话表明狮子的数量已经太多超出了Gir所能容纳的范围,所以印度要开辟第二个保护区。选A.
Passage 4
62. 文章已开始就说作者是一个medical,后面谈到它招募了很多资源的医疗工作者,包括内科医生,护士和牙科医生来充实自己建立的诊所。
63. 对于目的的推断要具体,则答案应该是B,为需要的人提供免费医疗。
64. 文中谈到作者费了很大的功夫帮助退休的医生拿到特殊的营业照,所以答案应该是D.
65. 说明我父亲的话在McNeil那儿得到验证。答案应该选B.
Passage 5
66. 这个题的答案应该是C, 第一短的转折词前后部分说明答案只能选C.
67. 答案是B, 因为第二段明确说在参战时,它没有到森林中参加战斗而是在西点军校教课。
68. 这个题的答案应该是D, 因为前面几个选项都是Ellis没有真实报道的。
69. 第二段中所说的 “ to climb the ladder”意味着想取得更大的成功。
70. 这个题的答案是B, 最后一段已经明确说出成功人士往往在别人看来丝毫不脆弱,但是内心特别脆弱。所以答案只能是B.
Part IV  Cloze
70—75:CADBC  76—80:DABBA   81—85: BDCAB   86—90: ACDBC 

Paper Two

Part I  Error Detection and Correction
1.A(made it possible)                        2. B(have been given)          3.C(the larger)
4. A(that)                                           5. A(little evidence)             6.C(enjoy/to enjoy)
7. C(are confused)                             8.D( wounld have put)        9.C(shaking)
Part II  Translation
In the past 20 years, China’s increasing speed in foreign commerce is faster than any other countries in the world. It took Japan 20 years to increase its foreign commerce to two times, while at the same time, China have increased its foreign commerce by three times. Now China ranks third in the global producers of electronic facilities and is playing a critical role in the global electronic facilities market. China is also a main producer of labor-intensive products in the world.
In the past 20 years, there is no any contries like China that the trade for foreign speed up so high. Japan have made improve on time as the total of foreign trade, and it taken 20 years, but China’s double. China already became No.3 electronic products around the world, and it was playing a important role in the electronic global market. China is yet a great products contry of labor-intensive in the world.
Part III  Writing
As can be clearly observed from the chart above , the trend of Chinese traveling abroad is going up these years. In the past three years, the number of Chinese traveling abroad was on a steady rise. According to the chart, the number increased from 7.5 million in 1999 to 10 in 2000 and to 12.1 million in 2001.
        I think there are at least three reasons to account for the above mentioned changes. First and foremost, the changes are primarily concerned with the income of Chinese. They are better off and can afford to travel abroad. What’s more, they have a lot to do with the development of the travel industry in China. More and more travel agencies are attracting more people to join in their tours abroad. Last but no the least, the changes are closely related to our policy of opening up to the outside world.
        From what has been discussed so far, it is obvious that the increase in the number of Chinese traveling abroad is of great concern of our life. It reflects the improvement of our living standards and the development of our economy.
From the chart in, state the changes in the number of Chinese traveling abroad in the past three years containue increase. In 1999, traveling abroad is 7.5 miline; in 2000, it arrived ten miline and in 2002, it become 12.1 miline.
        China has transformed and opened since twenty years, not only in the scientifical and technological, angricultural, plastical and so on but also espacily economic gain a great chvement. The people’s life get privoty and its life turn useful beautiful.