6. 打电话

sth comes up/ I'd like to reschedule/ Could you fit me in (the doctor's schedule)?
run out of coins(在公共电话亭里)没钱了,
cut off 被迫断线,
hang up 主动挂断电话,
receiver 听筒,
slot 电话上的小投币口,
yellow pages 黄页,
dial 拨电话,
operator 接线员
Look up the number in the yellow pages. 在黄页里查找电话。
Drop the coins in the slot. 把硬币投入投币口。
Then dial the number you want it. 然后拨打你所需要的电话。

7. 医院

(2)病情如何(getting better/worse)
(3)有病耽误课 miss the class
treat 治疗(表过程),
cure 治疗,治愈(表结果)
infirmary / students' help center 学校的医院,
clinic 诊所,
hospital, ward 病房,
prescribe 开药方,
prescription 处方
Send him to Ward Three. 把他送去3号病房。
Send him toward three. 把他送到东方去。(因为时钟三点指向东(上北下南左西右东) )
fill the prescription 按方抓药,
refill the prescription 继续按方抓药,
cough 咳嗽, fever , influenza(flu) 流感

8. 缺课
(1)get ill 由于生病而缺课
(2)oversleep 睡过头了
(3)traffic jam 交通堵塞
(4)(car)break down 车抛锚

9. 买东西
(1) supermarket 超级市场:
supplies 生活用品,price tag 价格签,special offer/ on sale 打折,cart 手推车,vender 售货员,cashier 收银员
(2) department store 百货商店:
appliance 家用电器,
costume 服装,
floor 层,
men's 男装区,
sport's goods 体育用品,
for sale 热卖中,待售中,
70% off 三折,
produce 农产品,
product 工业产品,
production 产品(总称)

10. 修理东西
TV, refrigerator(fridge) 冰箱,
oven 电烤炉

11. 关于工作

(1) 找到工作高兴
(2) 失去工作伤心 a.被解雇 b.离开旧工作
(3) 拒绝工作令人感到奇怪
(1) 信息来源
a. classified ads 分类广告
help and wanted section 供求关系栏
b. bulletin board 公告栏
c. flyer传单
(2) make a phone call
Is the position still available? 工作职位还仍然空缺吗?
(3) resume 个人简历
certification 学历证, ID 身份证,qualification 资历,
recommendation letter 推荐信
fill out= fill in = fill up 填表格
(4) interview 面试

12. 人性的缺点
(1)健忘 forgetful, absent-minded, slip one's mind
He's forgetful. / Isn't he forgetful? / How forgetful he is!
(2)害羞 shy 害羞, embarrassed 尴尬, self-conscious 自信,
keep one's mind/ thought to oneself=keep to onself

13. 租房子

for rent 房子出租,
house , living-room 厅,
rest-room 厕所

14. 理发
cut 大剪,
trim 小修剪,
bang 男生刘海,
parting 分头(I want parting to the left.我想要左分头。)
plait 辫子,
fringe 女生刘海,
pigtail 麻花辫,
ponytail 马尾辫,
ripple 波浪卷发