Men can develop breast cancer too, with many of the same symptoms. Enlarged breasts in men, known as gynecomastia, generally indicates an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone, which can occur from puberty or aging -- or it could be a sign of kidney disease, or a pituitary tumor.

'If I see a patient with a horizontal line through the middle of the fingernails, I'll ask what happened three months ago -- were they horribly ill or did someone die? They think I'm brilliant,' says Dr. Parsons. The markings, called Beau's Lines, sometimes appear when the body is particularly stressed. 'Your body is busy, so your nails take a little break and then start growing again,' Dr. Parsons says.
帕森斯医生说:“如果我看到病人的中指指甲上有一条横向的纹路,我会问病人三个月前发生过什么事情──是否有过严重的疾病,或者有亲近的人亡故了?他们都觉得我太神奇了。”这样的纹路称为博氏线(Beau's Line),在人体承受极大压力的情况下时有出现。帕森斯医生说:“你的身体太繁忙了,所以你的指甲就小休片刻,然后再接着生长。”

Nails tell other tales as well. White nail beds -- the skin underneath the nail -- can signify anemia. Nails that are white near the cuticle and red or brown near the tip can be a sign of kidney disease. Irregularly shaped brown or blue spots in the nail bed can be melanomas. Fingertips that are blue or clubbed can be a sign of lung disease -- although generally, there would be more significant signs as well.

Many of the same signs occur in toenails. But the feet are critical for other reasons. 'Feet tell you a huge amount about the health of the circulation,' says Dr. Denman, the Duke nursing instructor. 'The first place that vascular disease can show up is where the blood vessels are the smallest and the farthest away from the heart.'

Circulatory problems can manifest themselves as numbness and tingling in the feet; so can peripheral neuropathy, or damage to the nerves that often begins at the extremities. Both are signs of uncontrolled diabetes. With circulation compromised, even a minor scratch or sore on the feet can become infected easily; lack of sensation can make it easy to ignore, and gangrene can set in, requiring amputation. That's why people with diabetes are urged to check their feet every day for any kind of scratch or lesion.
