推进新型城镇住取得新突破。 城镇化是解决城乡差距的根本途径,也是最大的内需所在。
We will work to achieve breakthroughs in promoting a new type of urbanization. Urbanization is a fundamental way to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and provides the largest source of domestic demand.

推进新型城镇住取得新突破,work to achieve breakthroughs in promoting a new type of urbanization,可以看出句式稍有调整,主要是在平铺直叙的文章里,增加一些变化。这里也可以注意下 in 的用法。

是最大的内需所在 provides the largest source of domestic demand

“是”字译法很有讲究, is am are 往往是最平淡的。用好动词很重要。

根本途径 a fundamental way
解决城乡差距 narrow the gap between urban and rural areas

We will make urbanization people-oriented, focus on the three tasks, and fully leverage the role of urbanization in underpinning modernization.

以人为核心 make ··· people-oriented
以······问题为着力点 focus on (简化处理)
发挥好······作用 fully leverage the role of
支撑 underpin

His conclusions are underpinned by experimental findings.
the economic underpinning of ancient Mexican society.

We will redouble efforts to rebuild rundown urban areas and renovate dilapidated urban and rural housing.

加大······力度 redouble efforts to
棚户区 rundown urban areas
城乡危房 dilapidated urban and rural housing

今年保障性安居工程新安排 740 万套,其中棚户区改造 580 万套,增加 110 万套,把城市危房改造纳入棚改政策范围。
This year, our plan includes building an additional 7.4 million units of government-subsidized housing, of which 5.8 million are to be located in rundown urban areas, an increase of 1.1 million over last year. We will bring the renovation of dilapidated urban housing under the coverage of the policy on rebuilding rundown areas.

其中 of which
棚改政策 the policy on rebuilding rundown areas

农村危房改造 366 万户,增加100 万户,统筹推进农房抗震改造。
We will renovate 3.66 million dilapidated rural houses, an increase of one million over the number renovated last year. We will carry out coordinated work to make rural housing more earthquake resistant.

改造 renovate
农村危房 dilapidated rural houses
统筹推进 carry out coordinated work
抗震改造 make ··· more earthquake resistant

In providing government housing support, we will phase in the policy of using both the provision of physical housing and the allocation of housing subsidies, and transform a portion of available housing into public rental housing or housing to be sold to those being relocated.

In providing government housing support, 这个结构前面出现过,也算是常见结构。

逐步实行······政策 phase in the policy of
一些存量房 a portion of available housing
安置房 housing to be sold to those being relocated
公租房 public rental housing

phase in 逐步采用
The reforms would be phased in over three years.

Housing allowances will be provided to families who live on subsistence allowances and are facing serious housing difficulties.

低保家庭 families who live on subsistence allowances
对居住特别困难 facing serious housing difficulties.

We will give targeted guidance, implement policies suitable to local conditions, assign primary responsibility to local governments for the development of housing, support people’s demand for housing for personal use and second homes, and promote the stable and sound development of the real estate market.

分类指导 give targeted guidance
因地施策 implement policies suitable to local conditions
平稳健康发展the stable and sound development

We will draw on reform to solve tough issues in urbanization. We need to promptly implement reforms to the household registration system and relax controls over the transfer of household registration.

城镇化难点问题,也是一个偏正结构,这里用的是 in

用······的办法 draw on ··· to
难点问题 tough issues
抓紧实施 promptly implement
户籍制度 the household registration system

draw on 利用
He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme.

People originally from rural areas who live and work in urban areas but have yet to gain urban residency will be able to access basic public services on the basis of their residence certificates, and we will get rid of fees related to residence certification.

We will link the transfer payments of cities to their performance in granting urban residency to eligible migrant workers and find suitable ways to share the cost of ensuring migrant workers can become urban citizens.

建立······机制 link ··· to
财政转移支付 transfer payments
分担······成本 share the cost of
市民化 grant urban residency to eligible migrant workers / become urban citizens

We will establish well-regulated, diversified, and sustainable mechanisms for financing urban development.

规范 well-regulated
多元 diversified
城市建设投融资 financing urban development

We will continue to use land economically and intensively, establish a sound unified market for urban and rural land that may be used for construction purposes, and improve and expand pilot projects to link the amount of urban and rural land granted for these purposes to that of land returned to cultivation.

节约集约用地 use land economically and intensively
完善和拓展 improve and expand

We will increase funding and policy support for expanding trials in the new type of urbanization.

加强······支持 increase···support for
扩大······试点 expand trials in