-100 years of beauty
-100 years of exploration and innovation
-100 years of conquests and passion

On the occasion of its Centenary
Group Reaffirms Commitment to Corporate Responsibility, Announcing the roll-out of 100 Citizen Projects around the World

[Shanghai], 4th June 2009 – L’Oréal, the world’s largest beauty company, today celebrates its 100th birthday, along with the 67,500 employees in 65 countries where the group is present.  
[沪江网讯] 2009年6月4日——全球最大的化妆品公司欧莱雅集团今天与她在全世界65个国家的67500名员工共同庆祝其百年诞辰。

For a whole century, L’Oréal has been committed to the adventure of beauty.  The small, single brand company, started by a visionary chemist, Eugène Schueller, in Paris, France in 1909, has grown to become the world’s leading beauty company, thanks to its rigorous scientific approach, its hunger for conquering international markets and its ongoing quest for innovation and quality.  Today the company has 23 global brands present in every distribution sector (hair salons, mass market, luxury, pharmacies) with diverse cultural origins (US, Italian, French, Japanese, Chinese …).  Brands such as L’Oréal Paris, L’Oréal Professionel, Vichy, Lancôme and The Body Shop are recognised world leaders in their particular sectors.  The deployment of a powerful and clear strategic vision has enabled the group to overcome a major challenge: to make beauty accessible to as many people as possible, the world over.
整整一个世纪,欧莱雅致力于对美的探索。这个由天才化学家欧仁•舒莱尔于1909年在法国巴黎建立的只有一个品牌的小公司,发展成今天世界领先的化妆品公司。这个成就在于它对科学的积极投入,对征服国际市场的渴望,以及对质量和创新的不断追求。今天欧莱雅集团拥有23个源自不同国家的品牌(美国,意大利,法国,日本,中国等),通过不同的渠道销售(美发沙龙,大众市场,高端市场,药房渠道)。巴黎欧莱雅、欧莱雅专业美发、薇姿、兰蔻和The Body Shop被公认为各自领域的领袖品牌。依靠有力而清晰的品牌策略,欧莱雅集团成功应对最大的挑战:让全世界最大数量的人拥有美丽。

Commenting on this important milestone for the group, L’Oréal CEO, Jean-Paul Agon said: “Our centenary is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to our vision and our values: a robust scientific approach, a constant quest for innovation; a taste for real challenge; respect for diversity.  And of a deep rooted belief in the valuable role that beauty plays in society”.

100 years of exploration and innovation

Revolutionary in their time, it is hard to imagine the beauty industry today without some of L’Oréal’s past innovations.  Today, the group’s R&D function - with a budget of almost 600 million Euros and more than 3,000 scientists working in 18 research centres and 15 evaluation centres throughout the world - develops new molecules and formulas in the field of hair and skin.  L’Oréal is unfailing in its commitment to high standards of quality, whilst the company manufactures more than 4.5 billion products every year and in 2008 it registered more than 600 patents.  
欧莱雅的创新在当时的社会是极具革命性意义的,很难想象如果没有这些创新如今的美容行业会是怎样。 今天欧莱雅集团全球的研发部门拥有18个研究中心,15个评估中心,3000多名科研人员,以及将近6亿欧元的预算投入,在毛发和皮肤领域研发出了新的分子学和配方。欧莱雅始一贯对质量有极高的要求,每年生产超过45亿的产品,2008年单年就注册600多个专利。
100 years of conquests and passion

As early as 1914, L’Oréal established an embryonic network in Europe.  Today nearly 90% of the group’s turnover is accounted for outside of France, of which nearly one third is accounted for in the emerging markets.   International expansion exploded in the 1990’s with a number of strategic acquisitions that enabled the group to further its international development.  L’Oréal is now present in more than 130 countries, reaching a billion consumers.

Commenting on the opportunities that lay ahead for future growth, Jean-Paul Agon added that “the globalisation of the cosmetics market is only just beginning.  It provides our company with a huge opportunity for at least the next 20 years”.
