视·觉——看不见的视界 看得见的感觉


本次北京展览是基于中国、英国非营利机构Photo Voice、China Vision、北京一加一文化交流中心(暨1+1声音工作室)以及1+1网络广播共同合作的“视觉-Sights Unseen”项目。目的是通过影像的语言来搭建明眼人和视障人之间的桥梁,让视障人群有机会发出自己的声音,消除当地文化背景下对残障人群的歧视和漠视。

2009年5月,作为本次展览主办方的北京一加一文化交流中心,邀请两位Photo Voice的培训师来到北京为视障人做摄影培训。前2天的课程着重于培训有意愿成为未来培训师的视障学员, 之后辅助Photo Voice的培训师对1+1的视障广播制作人开展为期5天的培训班,本次展览中的中方展品将是培训班中产生的作品,并且辅以“触摸版”图片。未来,还会有长期的、更大范围内的摄影培训, 帮助更多视障人发现摄影作为一种交流和表 达的工具和手段,是具有无穷力量的。

协办单位:Photo Voice,China Vision
承办单位:Intelligent Alternative ,Time Out Beijing
展览时间:2009 年5月31日 11:00-20:00


Time: 31 May - 30 June 2009

Location: Beijing


Sights Unseen
- Visible feelings in a world unseen -

Photographic Works by Visually Impaired People from China and Abroad (Beijing) 2009

"Even if I have lost my sight, I haven't lost my vision. "

"When I pick up the camera it's not the images I can't see that I want to capture - it's my imagination."

"Blindness doesn't mean that we cannot interpret the world around us, it just means that we have a different angle on it."

"You must be curious about how I operate the camera. There's nothing strange about this - I just have my own technique."

"I can feel the light on my face, hear the wind in the leaves, smell the fragrance of the flowers - then I just press the shutter."

"When you can't see the world out there you tend to look more inside yourself."

--- Voices of visually impaired photographers

Each of the 30-odd images in this exhibition is the work of a blind or partially sighted photographer from China, Mexico or Britain. Many of the works meet traditional concepts of what makes a 'good photograph'; some display very original perspectives, others are blurry and unfocused, yet all are real portrayals of moments in the lives of their visually impaired creators. Even though the photographers nave no, or only limited eyesight, they are still able to perceive the world through the senses of hearing, touch, smell and taste.

Photography is a means of capturing a moment in time, while at the same time communicating one's innermost thoughts to others. Through photography, every visually impaired person can discover hidden qualities, gain a greater self-understanding and express a new sense of freedom. Feelings of acceptance engender greater independence: even without seeing the images they have produced, visually impaired photographers have a full understanding of what it is they want to express, using a totally new language to communicate their experience of the world around them Through a new technique of 'tactile diagrams', visually impaired people can also experience real images translated into tactile form.

"Sights Unseen"  is the result of collaboration between Chinese and international NGOs: Photo Voice (UK), Beijing One Plus One (China), Sight of Emotion (Mexico), OBAC (UK) and China Vision (UK). The main intention of the exhibition is to build a bridge between sighted and non-sighted people, give visually impaired people a new voice and challenge the continued discrimination and marginalization of disabled people in our society.

In May 2009, Beijing One Plus One Cultural Exchange Center invited two British facilitators from PhotoVoice to come to Beijing to hold a photographic workshop for visually impaired people in Beijing. The first two days of the workshops focused on training a small number of local trainers to sustain the project in future. This was followed by five days of training fro the visually impaired staff who form the One Plus One's Radio Production Studio. All the Chinese works in this show were shot by participants in this workshop and some have been reproduced as 'tactile diagrams'. In the future we plan to hold further workshops, so that more visually impaired people can discover the power of photography.

Our heartfelt thanks goes to all those who have assisted in making this exhibition a reality!

Main Organizer: Beijing One-Plus-One Cultural Exchange Center
Co-Organizers: PhotoVoice, China Vision
Host: Intelligent Alternative ,Time Out Beijing
Media Support: 1+1 Internet Media

Sanlitun Village, Orange Hall Exhibition
Time: May 31st, 2009. 11:00-20:00
Address: 19, Sanlitun Street and Worker stadium north road, Chaoyang district, Beijing

Xizhimen Story Garden Exhibition
Time: June 6th-20th
Address: Building D, Huayuan Enterprise, No.9, Beizhan North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Lama Temple Yixiang Salon Exhibition
Time: June 15th-30th, 2009
Address: No.46, Fangjia Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing


