

Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Hiding under the desk/table
Who or what is hiding under the desk/table? Why? What will happen next?
This week's topic: They hid under the desk... (90-110 words)

1) counting to 60 and waiting for the aftershock to pass before exiting the building
2) a hostage takeover situation
3) getting some sleep while the boss is not watching
4) planning a prank
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


While hiding under the desk, he tried in vain to think of an answer as to why he was there, in case a staff came in and saw him. Perhaps he should have thought of an excuse earlier, but then again, he did not expect other people to be in the building at this hour. Was I just hearing sounds in my head or was that just the air conditioning system? He questioned himself. Luckily, the door to the chemistry department was not opened. After staying still for a while, Sean came out from under the desk and started to look around.
