Glad to see you're both in one piece.

I could have saved you the trip. 'Cause we're seeing this thing through.

And if you stay here with some half-baked plan, She's gonna try and kill you.
【half-baked plan,烤的半熟的计划,非常不错的表达,记一下。】

- One thing i learned at Fox River-- just 'cause Something goes in, don't mean it always comes back out.
- You're right.
- Hark, what was that? One more time?

Just run your mouth.

Haji, I got no beefs with you, okay? It's just, there comes a point when a thinking man has to take a stand. You know who else thinks? Ephants. That's right. Elephants. You know, they have the largest brain In the whole animal kingdom? Did you know what? You folks have a history Of mistreating these mighty creatures, And up till now, no one's been lifting a finger.

- Fernando was a great influence on you, huh?
- And vice versa.
- 苏克雷教了你不少东西啊。
- 我也教了他不少啊。

【vice versa是个来源于拉丁文的词组,意思是“反之亦然”】

A post-it note?! That's what you got? How about some Elmer's glue? Did you get any of that?
【Elmer's Glue是个知名的胶水品牌。】

With traffic, there's no way we're going to make it.

I'll be out of your hair.

His story checks out.
【check out能表示一致、符合。】


1. 之前关于莎拉的那个传闻果然是真的啊……很囧诶,莫非之前看到的剧透都是真的?
2. 茶包一如既往地非常好笑,而马洪则是越来越帅的样子,不发胖就是王道!
3. 锡拉里(这个说法很奇怪)的那堆情报听听都觉得是伪科学。
4. 另外受上海车展影响,关注点从团队协作转移到了车上……假公济私推荐大家看看这个哟~~~嘻嘻

【组图】上海车展网上看 影视座驾也拉风