If you feel a pang of guilty pleasure when you read celebrity tittle-tattle, don’t be too hard on yourself.

Hearing juicy gossip about famous people apparently fires up the brain’s pleasure centre in the same way as eating the finest food or even winning the lottery.

易词解词(by 稻草人)


adj.著名的,出名的; 〈古〉一流的,极好的;

这个词由名词fame“名声”加形容词后缀-ous‘富于…的’构成,字面意思是【富有名声的】。对比:危险danger和形容词dangerous 【充满危险的】;数目number和形容词numerous【 为数众多的】 ;价格price和形容词precious 【价值不菲的】;荣耀glory 和形容词glorious 【充满荣耀的 】;活力vigor和形容词vigorous 【精力充沛的 】;空间space 和形容词spacious 【空间充裕的】等。

And it’s not good news that gives us the biggest buzz. Tales about stars’ troubles are what we crave, with affairs, drink-driving and other misdemeanours stirring up feel-good chemicals in the brain.

易词解词(by 稻草人)



affair一词来自法语的à faire ‘to do’所以affair一词字面意思是【所做之事】。法语的faire意为‘做事’,其衍生出了英语的:放任主义的laissez-faire【宽松处之,放任不管】,随机应变之道savoir-faire【知道要做什么】,过量surfeit【做得太多】,伪造物counterfeit【照着做】。

Most of us would never admit that we enjoy such tales but brain scans carried out during a study show that deep down, we find them highly amusing.

Researchers scanned the brains of a group of students while a person read out snippets of gossip about them, their best friends and a host of movie stars. Some of the gossip was designed to put the person in a bad light, such as having an affair or walking out on their family.

They may have been the victim of bad luck, such as being in a hit and run accident. Other gossip included heartwarming tales of caring for the sick and helping parents track down missing children.

The volunteers were also asked how amusing they found each piece of information.

易词解词(by 稻草人)


adj. 暖人心房的,感人的


The most interesting results related to the negative stories about the celebrities. These stirred up dopamine and other feel-good chemicals in the brain’s ‘reward region’.

The scans, carried out at Shenzhen University in China, revealed that the students were particularly tickled by tales of stars’ misfortune, with a celebrity scandal exciting the brain more than news of a friend in trouble.

Adam Perkins, neurobiologist from King’s College, London, was fascinated by the findings. ‘Celebrities are particularly likely to be envied, and when they fall from grace we therefore are likely to feel particularly happy,’ he said.