






Hi,ready to order?
Do you have anything that's really special?
Not according to my high school guidance counselor.
I'll have the veggie plate.
But instead of beets, I want kale.
And instead of broccoli,more kale.
I want the veggies steamed.
And instead of dressing,I want lemons.
Don't you need to write this down?
I’m afraid if I start writing that down. it'll turn into a suicide note.
I'm assuming this table's gonna have a lot more of those requests.
Yes. I could tell by the hats.

Earl,I have something new I want you to try.
That’s the exact same sentence that got my hooked on cocaine in the‘80s.
It’s my new cupcake flavor.
Delicious dark chocolate the ladies can’t help but love.
l' m calling it "The Earl."
I know you got that right.
Hi, I'm here.
I was running late so I decided to hail a cab.
And then I remembered I didn't have any money on me.
And then I remembered I didn't have any money at all.
So I walked the whole way here.

The apartment's three blocks away.
Yes, I know.
Three blocks and 15 "hola chicas' away.
Well, you can't be late again.
I’m already worried about me being late...every month.
On my way here, a homeless man asked me for money.
And I told him that I usually always give,
but that my father was indicted in a Ponzi scandal 
and I’ve lost my family fortune and my Manhattan townhouse,
so I’ve been sleeping on a couch in Brooklyn, but,in spite of it all, I'm still optimistic that you and I will achieve success in our exciting new cupcake business venture.
And look what he gave me!

You took money from a homeless man?
I prefer to think of Bob near the bridge as our first investor.
Pickup ! Special sandwich.
I can think of even more special sandwich.
You, me and the hot blonde giraffe.
Well, she recently lost her dignity, so you might have a shot.
Hello today! I have nametag for you.
Only your second day and look, nametag already.
As new owner, I am killing it.
Thank you.
Oh, it says "Carolin." lt's Caroline. With an "E". l'm Caroline.
As new owner. I am sucking it.
Just put it on. You can't tell an Asian he made a mistake.
He'll go in the back and throw himself on a sword. 


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