

Young Entrepreneurs
(Some of the) Most Successful Entrepreneurs of our Time and Their (Age):
Founders of Google: Sergey Brin(25) & Larry Page (25)
Founders of Apple: Steve Jobs (21) & Steve Wozniak (26)
Founders of Microsoft: Bill Gates (20) & Paul Allen (22)
Founder of Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg (20)
Founder of Wal-Mart: Sam Walton (26)


Topic1: What's your opinion on young entrepreneurs?
Topic2: Have you ever thought about start your own business?


It seems in current times, young entrepreneurs are more likely to gain a chance to stand out than in old days, especially in internet field. The information technology takes us into an era we have never heard or seen before. We are lucky to live in a world where an idea can be easily carried out into real project because of endless free resources. Youngsters have nothing to lose. On the contrary, those older people will consider the stark reality of losing the comforts of life that they have worked hard to build up during their career. In this way, young people are more likely to choose to start their own business. Besides, since they have nothing to lose, they tend to be more innovative when coming up a resolution and have more energy to consistently burn the midnight candle. However, for young entrepreneurs, their ill-experience may drag them down at first, so keeping their dream alive after countless failures is crucial and precious.

It always takes years for the youth to realize that reality is so harsh thus dream is so grey in comparison. After university graduation, countless students choose to start their own business despite the severe employment situation. Courage need to take as well as risks, which is why we ordinary people admire those who establish a business from the bottom of our hearts. Sadly, numerous start-ups fell at last and only a few survive and thrive. However, in a broad vision, it is those pioneers who lead the new economy and drive the economic boom. Perhaps that is the profound meaning of young people doing their own business.
