2012-07-05 17:02
effects; yield results
- Except at low levels of inflation, raising revenues by inflationary finance is likely to pay off only in the short run
除了低通货膨胀外,通过通货膨胀筹资来增加收入很可能只在短期内才有收效。 - Yield marvelously quick results
收效神速;疗效神速 - Your advice has been invaluable,and I have followed the course you recommended with gratifying results.
您提的建议十分宝贵,我按照您说的做了以后,收效甚佳。 - Returns on education, notes Choksi, may take 15 to 20 years, but the "effect is real and tangible."
乔克西指出,教育的收效也许要等上十五至二十年,但其“效果是真实可见的。” - Experience teaches slowly, and at the cost of mistakes.--Janes Anthony Froude, British historian
n. 效果;作用;影响;印象;所有物
v. 使产生;使发生;引起
- This parameter has no effect.
此参数不起作用。 - The drug was of no effect.
这药无效。 - The helpful effect on propellant slosh effects was a secondary consideration
v. 出产;带来;给予;让出,放弃;屈服;投降
n. 产量;收获量;收益
- The enemy yielded.
敌人投降了。 - yielding material gain or profit.
产生物质利益和利润。 - To give or yield permission to or for.
n. 结果;后果;成绩;成果;(足球比赛的)胜局;成效
- The result of such an analysis.
化验报告,分析结果这样化验的结果 - resultant force
合力 - The result is paradoxical.