2012-07-01 17:41
Fern Root Noodles with Jellyfish Head
n. 蕨类植物
- The xylem of ferns and conifers contains only tracheids
蕨类植物和针叶树的木质部仅含有管胞。 - The application and exploitation prospect of ornamental ferns in Guangdong are discussed, and some native ferns are recommended to apply in landscape virescence.
对广东园林观赏蕨类植物的应用和开发前景进行了讨论,并推荐一些乡土蕨类应用于园林观赏与绿化中。 - Why did gorgeous usurer nurture these ferns for your pleasure?
n. 根;根源;根基;词根;祖先
v. 生根;根源在于,来源于
- nematode damage to the soybean roots is characterized by coarse roots
线虫破坏大豆根系的特征是:根系粗糙。 - These plants have very deep roots.
这些植物的根长得很深。 - Hope is the root of hopeful.
n. 面条
- The noodles are done to death.
这面条煮得太烂了。 - I eat noodles with chopsticks.
我用筷子吃面。 - Convenient noodles are not good for health.