2012-07-01 03:06
each other
in turn
- Interactive Update
交互更新 - Interactive Zoom In
交互放大 - AVI(Audio-Video Interactive)
音频视频交互 - This is probably the most important interaction design guideline.
这基本上是最重要的交互设计指导准则。 - Interaction designers must use end goals as the foundation for a product’s behaviors, tasks, look, and feel.
交互设计者必须把最终目标当做产品行为、任务、外观和感觉的基础。 - The equipment design must grow by continual interplay between the technical specification and the packaging
仪器设计必须根据工艺指标和装配之间不断地交互影响而发展。 - As in many things in interaction design, there are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches.
和交互设计中的其他做法一样,这两种做法各有优缺点。 - Interactive Pan
交互平移 - Interactive Zoom Out
交互缩小 - IC(Interactive Channel)
adj. 相互的,彼此的;共同的
- They have a mutual dislike of each other.
他们都不喜欢对方。 - We were introduced by a mutual friend.
我们一个共同的朋友介绍我们认识了。 - The same should be true of mutual concessions.
pron. 每个;各自
adj. 每个的;各自的
adv. 每个;各自
- To make each day count.
让每天活的有意义。 - These chairs cost 40 each.
这些椅子每把价钱为40英镑。 - elongation for each pass
adv. 轮流地,交替地
- Are there alternatives to prison?
除了监禁还有其他办法吗? - should alternately present as undulate .
激情平淡应呈波浪形交替出现。 - There are two reasonable alternatives.