2012-07-01 03:04
turn over
- Delivery to arrive (=delivery on arrival)
货到交付;货到即提 - The gangster was in deadly earnest about hi threat to burn down the club unless the protection was paid.
这个歹徒一本正经地威胁说要烧毁这个俱乐部,除非向他交付保护费。 - To correct and prepare(a manuscript,for example)for typesetting and printing.
交付排版对(手稿等)进行修改或做文字编辑工作以将其付排或付印 - Any foreign certificate of deletion delivered to the Registrar whether pursuant to section 58 or otherwise
不论是否依据第58条而交付注册官的外地终止注册证明书 - The price for Contract Equipment as specified in Article 3.2.1 is for delivery CIF (liner term) Port of Unloading
上述第3.2.1条规定的合同设备价格为CIF(班轮)条件下的卸货港交付价格 - To delay deliverance
迟延交付 - He was charged with an important mission.
他被交付重要使命。 - Turn over; flip over;hand over
翻转;颠倒;交付;移交 - Subscriptions should be paid quarterly.
订费按季度交付. - Warrant of Commitment to Place of Detention [committal on conviction]
n. 工资,薪金;报偿;惩罚
v. 付钱给;偿还;给予(注意等);致以(问候等);报偿;付款;值得
- You have to pay storage.
你须缴纳保管费。 - Unless paying by credit card, please pay in cash.
请付现金,除非使用信用卡。 - wage [ pay ] scale
v. 投递;传送;履行;实现;发表;宣布
- deliver a pitch
竭力推销 - I delivered the pitches for the shop.
我为这家店做推销。 - Something delivered, as a shipment or package.
v. 使旋转;翻过来;转弯;转向;转变
n. 旋转;翻转;转弯;变化
- Not turn away from the old, but turn toward the new.
不是背弃旧的,而是朝向新的。 - As it turned out, the advice was bad.
事实证明,这个主意极不高明。 - I'll take you at the turn.