
编剧:西蒙·福勒 奈吉尔·莱斯格
制作人:Mike Deffina 丹·塞克斯


So You Think You Can Dance is a franchise of reality television shows in which contestants compete in dance. The first series of the franchise, created by producers Simon Fuller and Nigel Lythgoe, premiered in July 2005 and has broadcast ten seasons since. Adaptations of the show began airing in other countries in late 2005 and to date 25 shows have been produced representing as many countries and comprising over 70 individual seasons. The most recent series to enter production, So You Think You Can Dance Arabia, is set to air in an as-yet undetermined number of additional nations.


《舞林争霸》是由美国福克斯电视网制作的真人秀节目。本节目号称“美国偶像舞蹈版”,于2005年7月20日展开全美选拔赛。节目由《美国偶像》的制作人Simon Fuller以及Nigel Lythgoe创立,并由19 Entertainment及Dick Clark Productions制作播出。

由评审于全美各地评选出前20强(男女各10人)的参赛选手,在节目中角逐“全美最受欢迎舞者(America's favorite dancer)”的头衔。无论是无名小卒还是世界舞王,每位参赛者都要努力通过每轮的竞赛,适应各式各样的舞蹈类型,更要与其他选手合作来提升自己的能力,以获得观众和评委的青睐。

《舞林争霸》在美国各主要大城进行海选,寻找各个领域的潜力舞者(社交舞、嘻哈、街舞、现代舞、芭蕾等),每位舞者都有机会赢得冠军头衔,在过去几届中获胜者除了可得到25万美元的奖励外,第二季的冠军亦获得席琳·狄翁(Celine Dion)在“拉斯维加斯秀”的伴舞机会、而第四季的冠军获得电影《舞力全开3D》(Step up:3D)的演出机会。
