
中文名: 马特·勒布朗
外文名: Matt LeBlanc
国 籍: 美国国籍
身 高: 180CM
出生地: 美国马萨诸塞州牛顿市
出生日期: 1967年7月25日
职 业: 演员
代表作品: 霹雳娇娃

Brief Biography:

Matthew Steven "Matt" LeBlanc (born July 25, 1967) is an American actor and producer, best known for his role as Joey Tribbiani on the NBC sitcom, Friends and its spin-off Joey. In 2011, LeBlanc began starring as a fictional version of himself in Episodes, a BBC Two/Showtime television series created by Friends co-creator David Crane and Jeffrey Klarik. He won a Golden Globe award for his work on Episodes, and was nominated for an Emmy three times for his work on Friends.


马特·勒布郎(1967年7月25日-),生于美国马萨诸塞州,美国演员、制片人,经典情景喜剧老友记的主演之一,曾6次拿到金球奖(Golden Globe)和艾美奖(Emmys)的提名,在2011年凭借《戏里戏外》(Episodes)中的演出再次拿到艾美奖最佳笑剧类男主角的提名。因主演电视剧《六人行》成名。2012年凭借电视剧《戏里戏外》获得第69届美国电影电视金球奖最佳男主角。