

For a party that has lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections, the GOP sure seems eager to banish people from its potential candidate ranks. First Senator Marco Rubio was expelled from impolite conservative company, then Rep. Paul Ryan came in for abuse, and now former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is being whipped for breaking from the anti-immigration orthodoxy on the right.
In a Sunday interview Mr. Bush said the act of illegally entering America is sometimes "an act of love" done out of a commitment to feed and clothe family members. This is merely another way of way of putting his brother George W. Bush's line from the 2000 campaign that "family values don't stop at the Rio Grande." You know the GOP's immigration allergy has become excessive when even expressions of sympathy are criticized.




由于在过去六次普选种接连五次败北,共和党着实急切于将某些人从潜在候选人之 列逐出。首先是参议员马克罗·鲁比奥遭到保守同伙的排挤,随即众议员保罗•瑞安 引得骂声一片,而如今前任佛罗里达州州长杰布·布什由于同正统反移民观念向左, 被痛斥为叛徒。
在周日一则访谈中布什先生称,非法入境美国的行为,有时是出于解决家人生计问 题的承诺,是在此承诺驱使下“充满爱意的行为”。这一言论仅仅是为推行其兄乔治 .W.布什于2000年竞选时的所提出的一则方针,即“家庭价值观念不可止于格兰德河 畔”。如你们所知,共和党移民恐慌症更甚,以至于仅仅是出于同情的言论亦会遭到 谴责。
