

The U.S. economy has averaged about 2.5% growth for four and a half years in what is supposedly a recovery, median household income is below where it was when the recession ended in June 2009, and job growth is mediocre. But the political class seems intent on fighting over the blame rather than trying to escape the malaise.
The latest evidence is John Boehner's punt on immigration reform. Only days ago the House Speaker floated a set of reform principles that opened the door to a potential compromise with Democrats and the Senate. But the response from the anti-reform right was so intense that he emerged at the Capitol on Thursday to more or less declare that nothing will happen on immigration this year.
"This is an important issue in our country. It's been kicked around forever, and it needs to be dealt with," Mr. Boehner said. But he added that "there's widespread doubt about whether this Administration can be trusted to enforce our laws. It's going to be difficult to move any immigration legislation until that changes."




据称美国经济增长呈回暖之势,四年半内平均增长已达到2.5%。但是中等家庭收 入却低于2009年6月萧条期结束时的水平,此外就业率增长亦显平庸。反观政客们, 较之于想出办法摆脱困境而言,他们更加专注于反驳外界的谴责。
上述现象的最新证据则是约翰·博纳对移民改革的大撒把。就在数日前,该众院 议长出台了一系列改革举措,向民主党与参议院大开方便之门,并有望同二者达成妥 协。但是右翼反改革派反响强烈以至于在周二国会大厦的露面中,他或多或少的表示 出本年度移民方案将不会有所变动。
博纳称:“这是国内的头等大事,曾经一度被忽视,但是如今却觑待解决。”然 而,他又补充道:“对于行政部门是否值得信任并能够健全法律体系仍存在普遍质疑 ,在此境况未得到改善之前,移民立法的推进则困难重重。”
