

Alcohol as an Aspect of Chinese Culture

古人云,酒逢知己千杯少。而今,众所周知,中国的酒桌文化是特色社会主义发展中一道亮丽的风景线。升学,升职,乔迁,婚礼,葬礼 etc. 清一色无酒不欢,在商业社交场合更是酒量优先,从其中衍生出各种敬酒文化,规则,社交技巧更是花样繁多,良莠不齐;而如醉酒驾驶,公款吃喝等社会现象也引起了广泛关注,那么“无酒,到底欢不欢?”,“ 欢,要不要酒?”


What‘s your opinion on this cultural phenomenon?


Nearly allimportant occasions are celebrated with alcohol in China, which is unblamable in the first place. As the old verse goes: Drinking with a confidant, a thousand shots are too few. Or as the great poet Li Bai wrote:Releasing melancholy by wine, but adding more. Drinking express either joy or sorrow. However, whenwe look at the recent China, where drinking has been induced to mainly serve as a tool of social intercourse. Those original beautiful meanings in drinking is losing inch by inch. However, many people who involved in all kinds of “Dinner” themselves in fact are reluctant to drink too much around the table. Of course, no one would be so stupid to take the risk of their health to gain nothing. In other words, social drinking is part of their job duties. And we have to admit, alcohol does well in contributing to the noisy excitement atmosphere, indeed.


If you ever encounter a foreigner who is interested in Chinese culture, there is no possibility that he has little knowledge of China's boozy cadre culture. Though the category of booze in China is not as much as it in western countries, booze does exerts a great impact on daily life, especially on catering. Drinking is indispensable on the table and in some places of China if you are not wasted, the host will feel disappointed. Unfortunately, China's boozy cadre culture is prevailing in political area which gives rise to corruption in some cases. Such strange culture may at first perplex the foreigners, but, this is China, eventually they will get used to it.
