

Admittedly, nowadays the world is changing, and usually people resist changes due to the unwillingness to walk out from the comfort zone or familiar circumstance. It is a fact that Chinese development is experiencing incremental innovation, while western countries have more radical innovation that leads to the big wave in the global market. Moreover, Chinese people are usually tagged with hardworking instead of creative. Many foreigners say that Chinese people like imitating others instead of creating their owns. I would say it is not the absolute reality, China is seeking its unique way to develop, and how to sustain an innovative culture in China is still underway.


1. What is your thought about innovation culture in China?
2. What the possible resistance in China to face the changes and innovation?
3. Open discussion: how to sustain an innovative culture in China


There is a urgent need for China to find a way to be innovative in order to face the challenge of diverse changes at present. The first thing to keep in mind is to create an innovative culture, which allows new ideas to be fostered and creativity to be flourished. However, this openness also requires appropriate control and strategic management. Moreover, the second thing is to form innovation mindset. This involves people and opens up the possibility to technical innovation. Definitely, Chinese recognize that the world is changing, so the need to innovate to response to those changes is well understood. In my opinion, how to adapt to the change and sustain an innovative culture is not only a challenge or problem to China, but for other countries worldwide. There is space in Chinese educational system to be improved to free up students' mind and stimulate their interests, and then the way to enlighten innovation culture will be seen soon.
