【经典晨读美文】家书 (1/4)
2014-05-14 04:00
Pearl Harbor
Cecilia Capuzzi
To this day I remember my mum's letters. It all started in December 1941. Every night she sat at the big table in the kitchen and wrote to my brother Johnny, who had been drafted that summer. We had not heard from him since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
I didn't understand why my mum kept writing Johnny when he never wrote back.
"Wait and see, we'll get a letter from him one day," she claimed.
I don't know if she said that to calm herself, dad or all of us down. But I do know that it helped us stick together, and one day a letter really did arrive. Johnny was alive on an island in the Pacific.
I had always been amused by the fact that mum signed her letters, "Cecilia Capuzzi", and I teased her about that. "Why don't you just write 'Mum'?" I said.
I hadn't been aware that she always thought of herself as Cecilia Capuzzi. Not as Mum. I began seeing her in a new light, this small delicate woman, who even in high-heeled shoes was barely one and a half meters tall.
She never wore make-up or jewelry except for a wedding ring of gold. Her hair was fine, sleek and black and always put up in a knot in the neck. She wouldn't hear of getting a haircut or a perm. Her small silver-rimmed pince-nez only left her nose when she went to bed.
至今我依然记得母亲的信。事情要从 1941 年 12月说起。母亲每晚都坐在厨房的大饭桌旁边,给我弟弟约翰写信。那年夏天约翰应征入伍。自从日本袭击珍珠港以后,他就一直杳无音信。
可母亲还是坚持说:” 等着瞧吧,总有一天他会给我们回信的。“
母亲总以塞西莉娅·卡普奇署名,每每令我忍俊不禁,还要嘲笑她几句。我问:” 为什么不直接写母亲呢?“