




Assume for a moment that your 90-year-old mother has recently suffered a stroke. She is right-handed, and now she is unable to move her right arm and leg - they are worthless to her. She can make sounds, but she can't make herself understood. The condition has lasted two months and since there has been no sign of improvement, the doctor tells you she will never get significantly better. Until this time your mother has always been an active, independent person who lived on her own. Now she is completely dependent on others. Next, X-rays show your mother has a lung infection - a frequent problem with stroke patients. The doctor then calls you, her only surviving relative.
假设你90岁的母亲最近得了中风。她是个惯用右手的人,如今却不能移动她的右胳膊和右腿──对她而言,它们已没有用了。她虽然还可以发出声音,却无法让人明白她的意思。 这种状况持续了两个月,因为一直没有好转的迹象,医生告诉你她可能永远也不能康复了。在此之前,你的母亲一直健康活跃,生活自理,独自居住。如今她却要完全依赖他人了。 而后,X光透视显示,你母亲肺部受到感染,这是中风病人的常见病症。于是医生给你打电话,因为你是她唯一在世的亲人。