

Sweden 瑞典(国名)

al-Qaeda 基地组织

Afghanistan  阿富汗

Venice  威尼斯(意大利城市)

Hartford Distributors (公司名称)

Omar Thornton  (人名)

More governments have issued travel alerts about possible new terror attacks in Europe. Both Japan and Sweden have issued statements warning their citizens traveling in Europe of a heightened risk of attacks by al-Qaeda or its affiliated groups, echoing alerts at the weekend by the U.S. and Britain. There are clearly heightened intelligence concerns about possible threats in Europe and yet no clear-cut evidence, at least publicly acknowledged, of any very specific or imminent plot. None of the countries had appeared to be the main focus of interest. Britain, France and Germany have raised their own security alerts within their borders, but then they are quite elevated anyway. A number of different strands appear to have come together. There are reports of intelligence from a German national of Afghan origin held in Afghanistan, talking of a scheme for simultaneous attacks in Britain, France and Germany. There has also been reporting of possible intercepted communications from the Pakistan tribal areas, hinting of a similar plot. At one point the water in the central part of Venice was 1.56 meters above sea level. It hasn't been that high since 1986. Venice gets regular flooding at this time of year but this was the fourth deepest on record. Dozens of homes and businesses were inundated. Scores of people had to move out, though there are no reports of serious injuries. With mopping up still underway, the authorities say they don't yet know the final cost of repairs. They've appealed to the government for money from a special fund to help in the clear-up. The all-time record for high water was in 1966 when it reached nearly two meters. The city then suffered widespread and devastating flooding. An employee at Hartford Distributors showed up to work this morning, and opened fire on his co-workers. This happened around 7:30 this morning, about 35 to 40 people were inside the warehouse, and the offices, when this gunman just opened fire. And a police source close to the investigation tells CNN that nine people are dead, including the gunman. And we are hearing that the gunman's name was Omar Thornton. He's 34 years old, and was apparently recently hired as a driver for Hartford Distributors. Union officials had labeled him as someone with a disciplinary problem and the idea was that Thornton was supposed to go with a union official this morning to talk with company officials to try to resolve this issue. But that is when the shooting started. No word, of course, if the meeting ever had a chance to get started before the shooting happened.
许多政府发出了欧洲的旅游警告,警告游客可能出现的新式恐怖袭击。日本和瑞典都发表声明警告正于欧洲旅游的国民小心基地组织及附属团体的袭击。美国和英国也于周末发表警告。 在欧洲,有明显情报显示可能的威胁,然而,只是公开宣称,至今没有关于具体或迫在眉睫的阴谋实际证据。没有任何国家是这场阴谋的利益主要目标。英国、法国和德国内部已经提高安全警示,但无论如何,后来的警示等级变得相当高。一系列的困境接踵而至。有情报称一名扣押在阿富汗的阿富汗裔德国人透露了要在英国、法国与德国同时展开袭击计划。还有报道称,从巴基斯坦部落区拦截的通信信息暗示了同样的阴谋。 威尼斯市中心的水位超出海平面1.56米。该水位创1986年起新高。每年这时候,威尼斯固定出现泛滥,这次的水位记录为历史第四高。 许多住处和公司已被淹没。虽然没有人员伤亡报道,但很多人必须搬离。 清理工作仍在继续,有关部门称修复的总花费尚不清楚。他们已经向政府申请专款,帮助清理工作顺利进行。 在1966年,威尼斯测得水位高出海平面2米。当时,城市遭受大面积的、毁灭性的洪水灾害。 一名哈特福德批发商的员工今晨开枪射杀了他的同事。事故发生在早上7点30分,当时仓库和办公室里有35到40人。一位在现场调查事故的警察说,包括枪手在内,共有9人死亡。据悉,枪手名叫索顿,34岁,最近刚被哈特福德批发商雇佣为司机。工会官员们认为它存在纪律问题。命案发生的早上,索顿本来要和一名工会官员一起去跟公司领导谈谈,并试着解决这个问题。当然,如果谈话在枪击案发生前开始,就不会发生这种事了。