


Lebanon 黎巴嫩

Ethiopian Airlines 埃塞俄比亚航空公司

Boeing 737-800 波音737—800

Michel Suleiman 米歇尔·苏莱曼(人名,黎巴嫩总统)

Beirut 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩港口)

Addis Ababa 亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚首都)

Newcastle 纽斯卡尔

Iain Brownlee (人名)

Tyneside (实验小组名称)

Rescuers are searching the waters off Lebanon for the 90 passengers and crew of an Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed shortly after take off Monday. Several bodies have already been pulled from the sea, but no survivors have been found. Lebanese officials have called for a day of mourning for those killed when the plane went down in stormy weather in the early hours of Monday. Officials say there is no indication of terrorism or foul play. Lebanese President Michel Suleiman said that, as of now, an act of sabotage is unlikely. The Boeing 737-800 had just taken off from Beirut and was headed to the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, when it went down in the Mediterranean a few kilometers off Lebanon's coast. Witnesses report seeing the plane on fire before it crashed. Authorities say more than 50 Lebanese passengers boarded the plane as well as more than 20 Ethiopians, in addition to the crew members. French officials say the wife of France's ambassador to Lebanon was among the people from other countries on board. President Suleiman says preparations are being made for relatives of those on board to receive information about the search efforts. Seaweed could hold the answer to tackling obesity, according to Newcastle University researchers. The team found a fiber in seaweed that reduces the body's fat uptake by more than 75%. That is better than most anti-obesity treatments. Now the fiber is being added to bread in an effort to develop foods that help lose weight. Clinical trials are now intended to find out how effective it would be in a normal diet. Dr Iain Brownlee, who co-led the Tyneside team, said, "This research suggests that if we can add the natural fiber to products commonly eaten daily, such as bread, biscuits and yoghurts, up to 3/4 of the fat contained in that meal could simply pass through the body.
救援人员在黎巴嫩海域搜寻90名乘客和埃塞俄比亚航空公司的机组人员,该航空公司于周一起飞不久后爆炸。在海上已经找到几具遗体,但没有发现生还者。黎巴嫩官员号召进行一天的悼念,悼念那些在周一早间失事的飞机上的所有人,那天有暴风雨。官员说没有恐怖主义或不正当行为。黎巴嫩总统米歇尔•苏莱曼说,目前,没发现任何破坏行为。当飞机距离黎巴嫩海域的地中海下降时,波音737—800飞机刚从贝鲁特起飞,前往俄塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴。目击者报告,飞机在爆炸前已经着火。官方显示,50人以上的乘客在飞机上,还有20多名俄塞俄比亚人,还有机组人员。法国官员称,法国驻黎巴嫩大使的夫人也在机上。苏莱曼总统称,让机上人员的家属了解搜寻工作情况的准备工作已经做好。 据纽斯卡尔大学的研究者说,海藻中蕴含着应对肥胖的方法。该研究组在海藻中发现一种纤维,该纤维能减少75%人体脂肪摄入量。这比大多数的减肥药物强多了。现在,人们将这种纤维添加进面包中,让食品助人减肥。临床试验要测试在正常饮食中,这种方法是否有效。研究组副组长布朗李博士说:“这次研究要证明,如果往如面包、饼干和酸奶等日常食物中加入天然纤维,食物中含有的四分之三的脂肪是否不会被人体吸收。”