

mentality  心态

refinement   精炼

exponentially  以指数方式……


After the knowledge, comes action. You have to apply what you've learned. This stage is where most people fall into a trap. They want to know everything before they take any sort of action. That's the wrong mentality to have because by doing so, you effectively block yourself from the most important stage of learning, that is refinement. The stage of refinement is where the majority of learning occurs because refinement acts as a filter to guide you to the knowledge you need to get again from books, tapes, videos, people, etc., to further your learning experience. This puts you back to the second stage, education which then leads to the third stage-application, which leads again to the fourth stage, refinement and on and on and on. This cycle is where the majority of learning takes place. After the action is taken, they want to learn how to do more so the refinement is showing them what they need to know and they go back to learning, applying what they've learned, refining, in essence, loop themselves from educate to apply to refine and as they do so, the knowledge plus experience starts compounding on one another until their learning starts to grow exponentially. The refinement stage is very important because that will determine whether or not you really learn because anybody can learn something and apply it, but few will go the extra mile and get caught up in the cycle of learn to apply to refine. Again, people who are knowledgeable about a subject can help you in the refinement stage because you can ask exactly the questions you need and they can respond accordingly to give you the exact knowledge you request. That's something books, tapes, and videos cannot do because those are one-sided conversations. You can further capitalize on asking people by leveraging those relationships to ask for introductions to other people who are knowledgeable about the subject as well.