
She said students of Bikram yoga complete warm up breathing and stretching exercises before progressing. The increased room temperature also made injuries less frequent. The report found 5.2 million injuries were incurred on Australian sporting fields and courts in the past 12 months requiring almost 25,000 hospital admissions and 250,000 emergency department presentations. An alarming 3.6m injuries were untreated. Ankle, foot and achilles tendon injuries are the most common accounting for 20 percent of all sporting injuries. The warning from fitness experts to warm up and cool down had failed to reach the masses with only 38 percent of survey respondents saying they regularly completed pre and post sport regimes.
她说练习“热瑜珈”的学生们在开始练习之前要完成呼吸和伸展热身运动,逐渐升高的室温也会减少伤害的发生。 报告发现在过去12个月中,澳大利亚运动场馆内发生了520万起运动伤害事件,其中大约2万5千起需要到医院接受治疗,紧急医疗处理了25万件。 令人担忧的是还有360万件不曾处理。 脚踝,脚和脚后跟韧带是最常受伤的部位,在所有运动损伤中占20%。 健身专家提醒说大部分人没有进行热身和放松运动,只有38%的被调查者说他们通常在运动前后完成热身和整理运动。