




前灵媒Jane为找到杀害自己妻女的血腥约翰(Red John), 成为了Lisbon调查小组的一名独立顾问。






California Bureau of Interference
 Chief Donner
 Martha St. Clare
PR flack
Van Pelt


My people can handle this, no problem. California Bureau of Interference is what you are. Interference? That's witty. Stay out of this. I'm sure your people are competent, Chief Donner. We're simply following the AG's orders. Screw the AG. This case is going to be in the news, and you people are spotlight hogs. That's all. I assure you, chief... Don't waste your time. His anger runs deeper than you can reach. Seriously, don't start trouble here. It's the last thing we need. The victim is Martha St. Clare, 34, media relations coordinator for the mayor of this town. Mayor was here to break ground on a new development, dug up her PR flack instead. Ouch. Yeah, victim was stabbed twice in the chest, but there's no blood here. Killed elsewhere. Home. Her nails are done. Her hair's done. This woman doesn't wear sweatpants anywhere but at home. Cho, have Van Pelt check it out. The killer wanted the body to be discovered here under the glare of the cameras.
我们完全有能力处理这起案子,你们干脆叫加州干涉局好了。 干涉局?这次形象。 别添乱。 多纳警长,我相信你们完全有能力胜任,我们只是执行检察总长的指令。 让检察总长见鬼去,这案子是要上头条的。而你们是该死的公众焦点,就这么简单。 警长,我保证。。。 别费口舌。 你浇不灭他头上的那把怒火。 正经点,别给我捣乱。 事情有够糟的了。 受害者玛莎·圣·克莱尔,34岁,是市长的媒体公关。 市长本来是出席新项目奠基仪式,哪知奠基挖出了自己的公关。 够呛。 受害者胸部被捅了两刀,现场没有血迹。 第一案发现场在别处。 是在家遇害的。 看她涂好指甲弄好了头发,这样的职业女性只有在家里才会穿休闲裤。 Cho,让Van Pelt查下。 凶手想让尸体在众目睽睽之下被发现。