时间:3月19日(星期三) 19:30 - 20:30


想加入Erin老师CT粉丝团吗?快来回帖!戳我 >>>







1.Meetings by the Numbers
-2 hours, 39 minutes
The average time an employee wastes in meetings every week.
-47 percent
The percentage of workers who cited "Too many meetings" as the No.1 time-waster at the office.
-11 minutes
The average amount of time it takes for people's attention to drift in a meeting.

2.A meeting planner
When do you want the meeting to take place?
How long would you like to schedule it for?
-Room & Equipment
Do you have any preferences for the room?
Do you have an agenda that needs to be given out to attendees ahead of time?
Do you want to order any refreshments from catering?
-Business Talk
-One more thing
Tech support: Google

3.A meeting leader
-Keep the meeting on topic!
①Now the next point for today is...
②Great. So the next point we need to discuss is...
③Nothing more to add? OK, let's go on to...
④Moving right along, we need to make some decisions about...
-Interrupt if necessary
①If I could just cut in here for just a minute,...
②Excuse me, but I've got one thing to add there...
③I'm sorry, may I interrupt for a second,...
④You're so right Jim, if I could just stop you there,...
⑤There's something I'd just like to clarify,...
-Take control
①Let's not get sidetracked here, folks.
②We could talk about this for hours, but we really need to make some decisions.
③If we could save the story telling for the break, let's focus on the issue at hand.
④OK everyone, I really think we should concentrate on the current crisis.
-Business Talk





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