2012-03-23 08:05
And these beliefs hurt my motivation. They lower my energy, and in fact they're wrong.They're not true.Japanese does not have to be difficult, it does not have to be complicated.A small child, even a small American child, could learn Japanese very effortlessly, very easily.And the reason is, the number one reason is, they don't have the limiting beliefs.They can sing songs and play games and enjoy the language, and they'll learn it so quickly, so easily, they'll say "Japanese is easy." Well, it's the same with English with you.You learned in a very painful, difficult way in the past.And so you developed, you created these beliefs in your head.English is difficult.English is boring.English is painful.I'm not good at English.I'll never speak excellent English.These are just beliefs.
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- 慎小嶷——十天突破雅思写作